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The Planned Society « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Planned Society

November 17, 2019


“SOCIALISM was never meant to be a system to ‘help the people’. It is, from its inception, a system of mass management of populations, on behalf of a self-appointed governing class, the “intelligentsia”. It’s a system by which that governing class uses the powers of the state to take control over (and from then on, manage) each and every aspect of society, according to its own particular whims.

“It was born out of the 19th century ideologies of “scientific/rationalist management of society”, under which individual liberty could not be tolerated, and social life had to be entirely regimented, and planned, by the ruling class. That meant *everything* would ultimately be defined by the state: economics, social creeds (including religion), politics, social habits, and even population size and composition, through the practice of population control and state-run eugenics, among certain groups (abortion, sterilization, euthanasia).

“The endgame of socialism is to have a system where the individual will “only be allowed to exist in order to serve the state (as was stated by top socialists like Trotsky, GB Shaw or HG Wells). That is, under full-fledged socialism you will only be allowed to exist if you willingly serve the ruling class that sets up and manages the all-powerful state on its own behalf.

“So, the big lie here is that socialism is ‘meant to help the people’. No, it’s not. It’s a crafty way of regimenting the people to work and be slaves for a system, on behalf of a top intelligentsia.

“That is why, throughout history, socialist systems only go after personal independence and the middle classes. They rarely ever hunt down the big banking and mercantile interests.” Source

PART 2 here

— Comments —

Terry Morris writes:

See the list of 45 Communist Goals for the Takeover of America read in Congress and entered into the Congressional record, Jan. 10, 1963, here.

Laura writes:

Griffin explains in this interview why the fall of the Soviet Union was just a Leninist tactic for regrouping.

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