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Snow at Auschwitz « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Snow at Auschwitz

January 27, 2020


IN AN interview on Good Morning Britain today, Anne Frank’s stepsister Eva Schloss said that the sensational photos released internationally of Auschwitz when it was liberated from the Germans 75 years ago were fake. She said the Soviets, who released the photos, admitted to her that they were staged later. At minute 4:47 in the interview, she discusses the famous pictures. She lived at Auschwitz for one year. She noticed that the photos [did not] include snow, but there was heavy snow at the time of liberation.

Mrs. Schloss said her mother, who later married Anne Frank’s father, Otto Frank, was selected to be “gassed” at the camp, but was not. They were also supposed to be part of a “death march,” but overslept that day, she said.

Auschwitz, located in Poland, was visited monthly by International Red Cross inspection teams during the war, up until the last few months. The teams were permitted to speak to prisoners alone. In a 1650-page report by the Red Cross, there was no mention of gas chambers. (Read more here.) Here is a video tour of Auschwitz.

Will the elderly Mrs. Schloss be jailed for her comments that the photos were fake, as was the 91-old-German woman Ursula Haverbeck, who has never harmed anyone or advocated violence and is currently in jail for publicly challenging the official historical record of World War II events?

This is not the first time there has been open admission of error. In 1990, the official death toll of inmates at Auschwitz was reduced from four million to 1.5 million. Despite this reduction by 2.5 million, the official total of all deaths in the Holocaust has never been correspondingly reduced.

By the way, did you know that Winston Churchill, General Dwight Eisenhower, and Charles de Gaulle were all holocaust deniers? In the more than 7,000 pages of historical memoirs they wrote on World War II, they never mentioned gas chambers, even though they would have had every reason to vilify the Germans.

I sincerely hope Mrs. Schloss is not put in jail because no one should be in prison for simply questioning history. Maybe Mrs. Schloss made an innocent admission, or maybe — who knows? she had a rough childhood — she is tired of Jewish children being psychologically traumatized by historical errors.

Every year on this anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp, the world, and especially the Jewish community, should honor the dead and celebrate the good news.

What is the good news?

The good news is that things are not nearly as bad as people thought. Jews were never killed by the millions — or even the thousands — in gas chambers during World War II at places such as Auschwitz. Certainly, many died in these camps. They died of disease and, during the final months, of hunger. But Jewish children need no longer lie awake at night, frightened and deeply shaken by the thought of an industrial-style slaughter of inconceivable proportions in gas chambers. They are free. They have been liberated. There is enough tragedy in the world for them to ponder without this horror of horrors. As Robert Faurrisson, the famous researcher, wrote:

The Jewish survivors of Auschwitz and, in particular, the “children of Auschwitz,” that is, those who were born in the camp or who spent their early years there, are living proof that Auschwitz never could have been an “extermination camp.”

Not only was there never any order, plan, or trace of any directive or budget for an undertaking as enormous as the systematic extermination of the Jews would have been, not only is there no autopsy report in existence establishing the death of even a single prisoner by poison gas, or an official expert’s report on the weapon used in the crime, but (and despite what some authors of best sellers would have us believe) there is not even a single witness of the gas chambers.

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