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The Instant Protest « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Instant Protest

January 8, 2020

IS AMERICA THE real target of Trump’s latest aggression against Iran?

Instantly-activated protestors gathered within 24 hours of the drone strike against Iranian General Quassem Soleimani last week. They were complete with pre-printed signs in big cities across America.  (Some conservatives followed suit in welcoming a decline in American power.)

The protestors included activists from the feminist peace group Codepink, which supported the Castro government in Cuba and many Cultural Marxist causes. ResistFascism.org, another major organizer of protests, supports Castro, Communists in Nicaragua and socialists in Venezuela. Resist is funded by the Soros-backed, Communist-affiliated Alliance for Global Justice

Communismpink has an annual income of about $1.4 million and is also connected to Soros’s Open Society Foundations,  as well as other tax-exempt foundations. Its founder is Medea Benjamin.

According to Influence Watch:

Originally named Susan, Medea Benjamin was born in 1952 to a Jewish family in Long Island, New York. She changed her name to Medea, a Greek mythological character that murdered her children,[6] due to her studies after high school.[7] She has never legally changed her name.[8]

Benjamin lived in Fidel Castro’s Cuba from 1979 to 1983, marrying a pro-Castro Cuban during her time in the country.[9]  During her time in the country, Benjamin praised the Castro regime in print, but after she wrote an article against certain policies of the regime,[10] she was deported.

Medea!? What a great role model! Not exactly a peaceful character for these pinko peaceniks:

According to Euripides‘ version, Medea took her revenge by sending Glauce a dress and golden coronet, covered in poison. This resulted in the deaths of both the princess and the king, Creon, when he went to save his daughter. Medea then continued her revenge, murdering two of her children herself. Afterward, she left Corinth and flew to Athens in a golden chariot driven by dragons sent by her grandfather, Helios, god of the sun. [Source]

By the way, why do women fall for this sickening politicization of the color pink? It’s patronizing and juvenile! It’s crass political branding, the kind of thing that could only be thought up by people with too much money and contempt for the people. It also contradicts the feminist message. I mean, shouldn’t women be rejecting pink? The whole thing almost seems to be making fun of and caricaturing women, but then feminism has been one long war against female dignity. I support the cause of peace, but I wouldn’t be caught dead in a sugary-pink hat.

Communism and feminism never were primarily grassroots movements, though the grassroots have volunteered by the millions. It’s revolution from above, as the author Kerry Bolton put it.

If both Muslims and Westerners saw America as the epitome of evil and civil war broke out here, who would most benefit? That’s an interesting question.

Daily Mail

I’m not even believing Soleimani was killed until I know more. I’m not believing America is the greatest threat to world peace until it initiates another war. I’m also not believing Trump’s statements about Iran, which are right from the neocon playbook.

Please join my poorly-funded Organization for the Rejection of Mass Hysteria, which doesn’t even have an office. Don’t fall for Trump Derangement Syndrome or Trump Devotion Syndrome. Don’t rush to conclusions.


Chicago/ Daily Mail


Washington/ Daily Mail


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