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Trump’s Middle East Deal « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Trump’s Middle East Deal

January 30, 2020

FROM Chuck Baldwin’s latest column:

Donald Trump’s so-called Deal of the Century unveiled this past Tuesday is actually a deal with the devil. This so-called Middle East Peace Plan would more accurately be called the “Permanent Palestinian Enslavement Act”—otherwise known as the “Save Benjamin Netanyahu’s Derriere Act.”

On the very day that Netanyahu was formally indicted on corruption charges by the Israeli Knesset, Donald Trump rolls out his “Deal of the Century” Middle East peace plan. As with Trump’s assassination of General Soleimani, this is nothing but a ploy to try and save Trump’s partner in crime and fellow Zionist, Benjamin Netanyahu—and to further endear himself to the much beguiled Christian Zionists within America’s evangelical voting bloc.

The people who live under the yoke of Israeli oppression in Palestine, however, know exactly what this is all about. And they rightly reject it. [cont.]

More analysis of the deal here and here.


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