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Is Coronavirus a Bioweapon? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Is Coronavirus a Bioweapon?

March 26, 2020


IT’S SHOCKING that bioweapons labs exist, but they do — in the United States, China, Israel, and Soviet Russia.**

The fact that Taiwan has had two deaths from the coronavirus, South Korea less than 150, Japan just 45, Israel only five, while Italy has had more than 7,000, Spain more than 4,000, and Iran more than 2,000, lends support to theories of a biological weapon. That evidence is more significant when combined with what appears to be a highly coordinated campaign to shut down the economies of these countries and create social unrest. South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore (two deaths) have not engaged in generalized shutdowns. They have quarantined those who are sick. Taiwan, only 81 miles off the coast of mainland China and densely urban, has had a staggeringly low total of only 252  cases of the illness. (See figures here.) Perhaps weather is a factor, as Taipei is warmer than northern Italy, but the temperature in Tokyo now (54° F) is close to recent conditions in Lombardy, Italy. And about 2,000 people have been diagnosed in Florida, which has temperatures close to those in Taiwan.

There are many mysteries here.

Interestingly, in 1998, Israel was accused of developing an “ethnic bio-weapon,” designed to target a specific ethnic group.

Whether coronavirus is a biological weapon is secondary to the issue of how the virus is being used to implement social and financial engineering.

** Of these three, Russia and Israel have the fewest cases of the virus.


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