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Women and the Draft « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Women and the Draft

March 26, 2020

THE UNITED STATES government has moved closer to requiring all women to register for the military draft. A national commission has released its findings and they are in favor of compulsory service for women in wartime.

There’s no surprise here at all. This has been brewing for many years and the gender-neutral draft is only a matter of time, though there are many ways in which the military could selectively apply the draft once instituted. The most interesting thing about this is that more men apparently favor extending the draft than women do.

Public support for such a change has divided sharply along gender lines. In a 2016 Rasmussen poll, 61% of men favored extending draft registration to everyone in the 18-to-25 age cohort, while only 38% of women supported doing so. (Source)

What does this discrepancy tell us?

First, it tells us that many women are not consistent in their support for the principles of feminism. Only those who have rejected these principles can justifiably reject this application of them. For it is clearly unfair for women to claim equality in rights, but not in duties.

Secondly, it tells us feminism has damaged the spirit of masculine protection and deference toward women. But then feminists hated that anyway, and now they have what they wanted.

Thirdly, it tells us that men are not, as feminists have often claimed, inherently against the equality of women. Here we have more men supporting it than women. In reality, feminism becomes only a form of male rule.

Women are supposed to be the peace-makers, not the war-makers. They are supposed to warm the hearth, not leave it. But for the sake of a chimerical equality they they have exalted their own capacity for masculine aggression and self-assertion. They should carry that to its logical conclusions.


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