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Connecticut Governor “Lied” about Infant’s Death « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Connecticut Governor “Lied” about Infant’s Death

April 21, 2020


BY THEIR OWN admission, medical and other government officials have inflated coronavirus deaths, probably by many orders of magnitude. (See here and here.) But in some cases this tampering with death certificates, this labeling of people who had cancer, heart attacks or weakness due to advanced old age as Covid deaths  while receiving enormous kickbacks in the form of federal grants for hospitals and state governments, becomes more than bureaucratic dishonesty on administrative paperwork.

On April 1, Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont announced that a six-week-old infant had died of the coronavirus. He thereby surely touched off mass panic among mothers of infants nationwide.

The infant was tested for the virus after her death. When Lamont made his announcement, the official cause of death of the infant had not even been determined. It now turns out that a virus had nothing to do with her death. The coroner has even refused to sign off on the diagnosis.

According to Candace Owens, an independent journalist who says she knows the family of the infant, the child died as a result of accidental suffocation at home.

“The death of the infant in Connecticut had nothing to do with COVID-19. I know exactly how the infant died,” Owens said in [a video online]. “I know this because people that were involved were mortified and angry, and they were so happy that I spoke out and called out this double-speak. These people reached out to me, not the mother and the father.”

Owens credibility is reinforced by her many emphatic public statements on social media and to newspapers. If Owens is correct and the child died in an accident, it should have been possible for doctors to arrive at this cause of death quickly. Owens is calling for Lamont’s resignation and formal criminal charges against him. “If you can be arrested for yelling fire in a theatre, [Lamont] should be in prison for this,” she said on social media.

Owens is doing what journalists should do — she refuses to take what politicians say at face value. Again, when Lamont made his announcement, the official cause of death of the infant had not even been determined. He deliberately instigated needless panic. His name should be high up on the ever-growing list of Covid Criminals. Meanwhile, the reported cause of death of a nine-month-old infant in Chicago whom Gov. J.B. Pritzker clearly implied had died of Covid, is now proving to be a lie too.

There must be a special circle in hell for politicians who terrorize young and impressionable mothers. I am strictly forbidden by my religion to hate anyone. But if I were allowed to hate anyone, I would hate these Covid Crooks. I would hate their guts for the emotional harm alone they have inflicted.

Pritzker is a Covid Crook too.

America could never, ever recover from this without politicians answering for criminal fraud and actually going to jail for being the social terrorists they are. They have unleashed incalculable mental, physical and economic harm.

— Comments —

L.R. writes:

Every time there’s protests against the illogical, draconian lockdown, out of blue is a sensational news of children or babies deaths because of ChineseVirus!

Detroit 5-year-old dies of coronavirus; parent’s warn others, “It’s coming for you!!”

Laura writes:

Sad, she had strep throat and meningitis. And they put her on a ventilator! Poor baby. That probably killed her.

Rudiger writes:

The mindset of 97% of the population is like the country has cancer. So, the country needs chemo. Sure, you are going to lose your hair, lose weight, feel sick, and you may even have some body parts loped off. But, hey, its cancer, the only alternative is that the country will die.

Terry Morris writes:

“I am strictly forbidden by my religion to hate anyone. But if I were allowed to hate anyone, I would hate these Covid Crooks. I would hate their guts for the emotional harm alone they have inflicted.”

From the Douay Rheims, Proverbs ch. 6:

15{16}Six things there are, which the Lord hateth, and the seventh his soul detesteth:

16{17}Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,

17{18}A heart that deviseth wicked plots, feet that are swift to run into mischief,

18{19}A deceitful witness that uttereth lies, and him that soweth discord among brethren.

We are authorized to hate the defining characteristics of such people.

George Weinbaum writes:

In reading this piece I was reminded of something we saw every week during the Vietnam War, i.e., the Body Count.  The numbers were likely inflated, but were presented to us as real and significant.

Laura writes:

Couldn’t the numbers have been too low?

Mr. Weinbaum writes:

It’s possible.  We will never know. What seems likely is that many of the “combatants” we killed were innocent civilians.

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