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COVID Cure « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife


April 7, 2020

THE ANTI-VIRAL drug hydroxychloroquine, much-discussed by others, is now a proven remedy for the COVID-19 virus.

See here and here.

— Comments —

L.R. writes:

Just look how many millions of lefties media and Google itself too are all attacking and bullying Trump for recommending hydroxychloroquine to many desperate dying chinavirus victims in hospitals.

Hypocrites at “health” world organizations like United Nations, WHO and CDC are also against hydroxychloroquine and repeating the useless tired mantra that vaccine will take many years to create against Wuhanvirus and that “only cure” against Wuhanvirus is lockdowns in all countries and permanent quarantines on all humans until they just feel like it to free us from our home jails in the next century perhaps.

Unlike sci-fi pandemic films, Who and CDC are NOT interested to help against this Chinese weapon virus and want 99% of the world population to simply DIE.

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