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Death Discrepancies, Again « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Death Discrepancies, Again

April 8, 2020

THE in-your-face, unabated, pervasive repetition of dubious Covid death figures motivates me to show you some more amazing statistical anomalies.

According to the Center for Disease Control, the Covid death toll for the United States was 3,307 as of April 4 and the death toll for all of the lying city of New York was 1,712.

Now look at the figures provided by The New York Times, as of April 6: 10,936 for the entire country and 4,786 for New York City. That’s almost a threefold difference on the national level and more than twice as high for the lying city of New York, discrepancies too great to be attributed to the extra two days. The Times says the death rate as of today is 14,613, which is close to five times the death rate of the CDC as of four days ago.

The New York Times’ figures come from the “New York Times database of cases and deaths, based on data from state and local health agencies, hospitals and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; U.S. Census Bureau.” Does this mean the Times contacts all 50 state agencies and tens of thousands of local agencies and hospitals? It is safe to assume no, it does not. It would take weeks to do any such thing reliably and a staff much larger than that of the newspaper.  And anyway, why should we trust the Times’s calculations on an issue so critical? Its slick graphics, with lots of charts and interactive maps, give its data an aura of scientific precision that is not there.

As has been already said here, even the CDC figures are not reliable. By its own admission, the CDC encourages overestimating the Covid death rate. Montana physician Annie Bukacek elaborates in the video below. Dr. Bukacek does not mention the financial incentive hospitals have to arrive at Covid-19 (don’t you hate this creepy, sci-fi name?) as cause of death, given that the federal government reimburses them for any uninsured Covid treatment.

See “Covid-19 Death Figures: A Substantial Overestimate” at OffGuardian, which examines similar deceptive figures from health authorities in other countries.

The numbers coming out of New York are so outrageous they seem deliberately provocative. Americans, it seems, are being incited toward a total breakdown in their confidence of the government and media.



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