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Germany’s Shutdown « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Germany’s Shutdown

April 16, 2020

ZENO writes:

In Germany, it was just announced that all religious services will remain banned by government order until August 31st. Also cafes, bars, restaurants, cinemas and music venues, all closed. But large department stores will reopen in May. I guess churches are considered “non-essential”, or less essential than big brand clothes stores.

It’s uncanny. People will be unable to go to mass for months (the rule also applies to mosques and synagogues), or even to have a beer at the pub, in Germany of all places. All that for a disease that killed relatively very few people in the country (about 3,800 at last count – usually between 15,000 and 20,000 people die in Germany every year of regular pneumonia according to the data below). It’s all very strange.

Laura writes:

Germany has been under totalitarian control since World War II. I understand that it seems strange but this is completely in line with events of the last century and much longer there. The goal is to prevent it from ever achieving sovereignty again.

This is not at all about a virus or protecting the people from harm.

The more people know what’s going on, the more stringent the measures to simulate a health crisis must be. Please understand that. Keeping up the illusion for the uninformed can only be done with measures such as prolonged shutdowns and scare tactics like face masks and social distancing arrests. That way, the clueless say, “Wow, this must be really serious.”

It’s a criminal enterprise of exceptional and breathtaking boldness. The virus is the scapegoat for a financial collapse that would have come anyway and that would have otherwise been rightfully blamed on our usurious central banking system, which is an ongoing crime against humanity.



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