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Greetings from Brazil « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Greetings from Brazil

April 13, 2020

ROGER W. writes from Brasilia, Brazil:

When people I know, and there have been quite a few, try to tell me that there must be something which should seriously worry us about the virus itself – otherwise the authorities and media would not be treating it as such a world-shaking catastrophe – I like to remind them that these are the very same authorities and media who began informing us several months ago that we had to treat the notion that men can menstruate with the utmost seriousness and respect, or risk getting in trouble for defying their version of established orthodoxy.

This observation doesn’t seem to win many immediate converts to the side of proportionality and sanity, but it does tend to shut my interlocutors up faster and with less effort than when I waste my time trying to explain how statistics actually work, and need to be used for results derived from them to be in any way meaningful. (The latter tack can be blithely dismissed via hand-waving appeals to Authority in any case, with the additional bonus for the individual in question that they do not have to exert themselves in the slightest to understand the actual issues at stake.) Who knows, perhaps a small kernel of rational thought is actually being planted in the still-functioning parts of their minds too — I can but hope!

This poem I wrote a few years ago is not altogether irrelevant:

Those charlatans we call our Government
Have saddled us with a National Debt,
To mount us like their ponies, and abet
Their tyranny, though claiming it well-spent;

As though, in being bridled where they meant,
And jumped to marks that they, not we, have set,
Our labour only to redeem their bet
Against our futures, till our limbs are spent,

We should be grateful? Oh yes, to be sure
They feed some borrowed fodder in return,
From fields they keep where we roamed free before;
Listen! Oh my ridden ones, and learn,

That though you fear to starve when Credit’s gone,
You shall not, once you make your fields your own.

By the way, once I realized that this crisis was being used among other things as a pretext for the subversion and suppression of Christianity, I felt sure its peak would not be declared before the middle of April, most likely a few days after Easter itself, whatever else came of it all.

A very happy Easter to you and your family too.

Laura writes:

Thank you. Happy Easter to you!

You might be interested to know that the health secretary in charge of the Covid takeover here in Pennsylvania is Rachel Levine. What could be more appropriate than a fake woman overseeing a fake plague?

Levine’s career rise in the Wolf administration has been relatively swift: In 2015, the governor tapped Levine to serve as Physician General; in 2018 he named her Pennsylvania Secretary of Health. (Source)

Ha! Of course, it’s been swift. (And I say that with some sympathy for Levine.)

If people go along with a “he” being a “she,” if they don’t at the very least burst into hilarious laughter when they look at Mrs. Doubtfire, then there is no end to the lies they are capable of swallowing. This isn’t just ‘The Emperor Has No Clothes.’ No one is wearing clothes. How extraordinary.


Rachel Levine, Pennsylvania Secretary of Health

You’re so right about Easter.

To acclimate people to the suppression of the most important Christian holy day (and get as many as possible to drink alcohol and watch porn during Lent) was clearly a major purpose of this tactical takeover. These people hate Easter more than any other world event. They have showed their hand. The whole operation must extend considerably past Easter, despite all evidence to the contrary. Otherwise those dumb Christians might celebrate Easter in its immediate aftermath.

The Lord is risen! Let us rejoice! Easter is eternal.


— Comments —

Tony S. writes:

In regards to the PA secretary of health:

If anyone believes this person who displays pathologic self-hatred doesn’t hold a grudge against (and would love to be instrumental in the destruction of) Western civilization and its Christian heritage they are living in la-la-land.

Laura writes:

No one ever points out that obvious fact: If you’re a man who wants to be a woman, you hate what you are. 

And you also hate the natural order — and must hate anyone who believes it is the work of a just and loving God.




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