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Opposition to Shutdown « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Opposition to Shutdown

April 14, 2020


RON PAULĀ and Daniel McAdams have produced another excellent discussion about the virus shutdown, which they have consistently said is based on faulty statistics and bad medical advice. (It would be more accurate to say it is based on outright lies.) They say there is growing public opposition to it. I’m not seeing it. I see only abject and mindless submission, but let’s hope they are right. Let’s also hope paid agitators don’t show up at some of these protests to make ordinary protestors appear dangerous and violent. That is a strong possibility. A major protest is scheduled for tomorrow in Michigan.

Paul suggests something important in this discussion, He says for each person who has reportedly died of coronavirus, the government should release (without revealing their names of course) all their other serious conditions and the drugs they were taking. This information would help truly calculate how many have died of the virus.

Meanwhile Harvard researchers reportedly say people might have to social distance for two more years. I’m not kidding you. Do you believe how unbelievably deceptive these pseudo-scientific quacks and frauds are with their clever nonsense, with their grandiose misuse of statistics that trick the uninformed and that anyone who devotes an hour of patient research to can see for what they are? Evil beyond description.



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