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Social Distancing Update « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Social Distancing Update

April 13, 2020

FROM Fox News:

A 15-year-old male from a remote indigenous tribe in the Amazon rainforest has tested positive for the coronavirusBrazilian health officials said.

As of Friday, the teen from the Yanomami tribe remains in the ICU at a hospital in Roraima state, Insider.com reported, citing the O Globo newspaper.

Health Minister Luiz Henrique Mandetta was quoted saying that the case is “worrying” considering the tribe’s isolation from the outside world.

The fact is, coronaviruses are pervasive in nature and there really is no such thing as a completely remote area on earth. But why is this story being trumpeted? The health condition of one person in Brazil doesn’t come to the attention of Fox News without orchestration, even under present pandemic conditions. I believe it is meant to ramp on the fear a notch, but also explode the theory that coronavirus is caused by 5G technology. Once it can be proven that people in areas with no wireless technology have the virus, then the 5G theory has been shown to be ridiculous. (See more about 5G and coronavirus here.)

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