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The Face Mask as Ritual Humiliation « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Face Mask as Ritual Humiliation

April 11, 2020

THE more it becomes obvious that Covid-19 is far from a global or national health catastrophe, the more new propaganda is needed to ramp up the fear in order to keep this black operation afloat.

Hence the face mask, now mandated by either law or social pressure even in places where the incidence of illness from this flu-like virus, serious only in people who are already sick or frail, is in the decline or hardly exists at all. A reader writes from Panama, where there have been allegedly 74 deaths:

Many countries in the world including Panama if one dare to go out with no certificate medical face mask, in order to buy basic needs on supermarkets, pharmacy, pets business for food medicines for your pets and farm livestock, last minute medical life and deaths emergency for humans or pets or livestock in clinic or vets or hospitals, etc…you will be PUNISHED with fines and send to jail as if you are a highly dangerous criminal!

Both healthy people and Wuhanvirus-infected people are obligated to use medical masks for whatever reason you go out of our house!

Improvised “face masks” and even homemade sewing ones are ANATHEMA and not allowed, only certified medical ones that are now a days IMPOSSIBLE to find or buy in any store or online and that are EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE for the majority of the poor low class humans population on the planet!

The scientific case for mask-wearing by the general healthy population is non-existent, according to the Italian nano-pathologist Dr. Stefano Montanari, who has studied the transmission of pathogens in modern environments and who states:

Viruses exist in enormous quantities and can enter in enormous quantities inside the cells, which are a few thousandths of a millimeter wide. Wearing a mask compares with raising a gate to prevent mosquitoes from entering your house.

I believe a mask hoax is at work not because I have studied nano-particles but for simple, common sensical reasons. If mass mask-wearing were so effective in controlling illness, why have we never adopted them before, even among the sick? It’s odd –isn’t it? — that its mass adoption for the first time ever in the West should coincide with an unprecedented transfer of wealth and takedown of the American economy (and economies elsewhere), a takedown which can only succeed if the general public thinks it is absolutely necessary.

Why in the many times when I have gone to the doctor in the course of my life has the doctor never once been wearing a mask? In fact, why when I visited my doctor two weeks ago and he already had patients sick with Covid, was he not wearing a mask and seemed confident not wearing one?

Why in the many times I have been in hospitals were the nurses and doctors not all wearing masks? How were they maintaining their health? After all, Covid-19 is certainly not occurring at a higher rate of incidence than many other cold and flu illnesses. Only 81,000 people among the 1.3 billion people in China came down with it, or at least tested positive for it.

I believe the mask, at least for healthy people, is not medically necessary or worth the trouble. It is politically necessary. The mask must be promoted by the same people promoting virus hysteria in general. As I said, they have to keep the fear going.

The mask, adopted as a mass practice in this kind of situation, is a form of ritual humiliation. Covering half the face with paper or cloth is humiliating; outward dignity and communication reside in the face. The personality is in the face. The humiliated are passive and easily controlled. They are the perfect citizens of what Hilaire Belloc called the “Servile State.” The mask is the premeditated degrading of a population that has willingly shut down its critical thinking over the course of many years and embraced servitude to powerful liars, mass media, a central banking cartel and totalistic government. The face mask is a powerful scare tactic (who doesn’t look scary in a mask?), but it’s also a form of ridicule and psychological abuse. A slave driver needs a whip, but it doesn’t have to be a literal one. The mask is a figure of the apocalyptic Mark of the Beast. Virtually unknown in hospitals (except in highly sterile operating rooms) until a few weeks ago, the mask is now indispensable in many places if you want to engage in everyday financial interactions.

And he shall make all, both little and great, rich and poor, freemen and bondmen, to have a character in their right hand, or on their foreheads. And that no man might buy or sell, but he that hath the character, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Revelation 13: 16-17

The mask makes us all neurotics. It turns all of society into a hospital ward, reinforcing a generalized state of weakness. What should you do?

Wear the mask if you must and if it makes others feel comfortable, certainly don’t make a stink about it in public, but please, except when you are in the presence of the old or sick, don’t believe in it anymore than you would believe in a pair of handcuffs if you had to wear them. Wear it on the outside, but not on the inside.


Thank you to Josh for the image.

— Comment —

George Weinbaum writes:

Islam wins! Niqabs for all!

Laura writes:

That wouldn’t work. That’s too religious. The mask is scientific.

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