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The Invisible Enemy « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Invisible Enemy

April 8, 2020


Just wanted to drop you a quick note commending the excellent work you are doing at your site exposing the fraud this thing is and the untold damage it has done to the economic system, upending the lives and the futures of countless of our countrymen. Otherwise intelligent, reasonable people have abandoned all reason over this thing. And that’s because our vaunted “leaders” and “experts” have somehow, in this particular case, managed to convince them that they are not liars straight from the pits of the lowest Hell, and the fathers of it.

Here is something I wrote to one of these persons just yesterday evening at his website:

When a hurricane or tornado or drought hits, we never see this nonsense.

Well, that’s because all of those natural disasters you mention (the hurricanes, the tornados, the floods, whatever) are always highly concentrated events and we don’t shut down the entire economy (hell, we don’t even shut down the local economy within the affected areas – virtually everyone goes right back to work almost immediately) when they occur. People don’t stop buying tires – as an example I’m very familiar with since a LOT of people I know work at (or at least used to work at) the Michelin Tire Plant in Ardmore, Ok – just because Alabama (or Oklahoma for that matter) has a bad tornado outbreak. You can’t just turn the economy on and off like a light switch, man. You know that. C’mon.


Pretty simple, right? I mean, even my nine year-old daughter and ten year-old son can perfectly understand the distinction I’m making there between shutting down the entire U.S. economy for weeks on end, vs. a local economy being disrupted by a tornado event or a hurricane, say, for a few days at most. And, yet, what did I receive in reply for my trouble? Here is what my interlocutor wrote back to me in this particular case:

1.) The damage is real enough in the places that do get hit by floods, droughts, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, wildfires, tornadoes and hurricanes. It takes a long time to recover.

2.) Pandemics are another type of natural disaster that have always existed. They are also global in scope.

3.) The critical difference here is that the virus is invisible. Everything looks normal. The disaster is unfolding out of sight in hospitals and because of that a lot of people want to pretend it isn’t happening.

4.) Nothing has changed though in the world. Just as there were plagues in biblical times, there are occasionally plagues in our world.


Now, I have no inclination to answer any of that nonsense. At this point my interlocutor is “thinking” purely out of emotion; and my experience is that when this happens, there is no amount of reasoning capable of getting through to such persons. They’re going to believe what they’re going to believe, and there’s nothing any of us can do about that. Nevertheless, keep up the good work, ma’am. Not everyone has lost his or her mind over this thing; lots and lots of people are still rational enough to keep their wits about them enough to understand very simple straightforward concepts like that I wrote above.

Laura writes:

Thank you.

Plagues happen. We shouldn’t deplete our energies before they do.



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