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Trump vs. Fauci « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Trump vs. Fauci

April 13, 2020


THIS clash between Trump and Fauci is pure theater.

If you fall for this, you need to turn off the computer, isolate yourself in a soundless, microbe-free chamber and cleanse your mind. You are weakening.

Anthony Fauci is another cartoon villain. (So is Trump. That’s why he was allowed to run and allowed to win. He has played the part perfectly. Mainstream conservatives never would have supported him in such large numbers if he wasn’t so hated and attacked by the media.)

Some of the things Fauci has said are so patently outlandish, such as that the country may never recover from a virus less deadly than recent flu viruses and that people should never shake hands again, not to mention his original, scare-mongering, inaccurate predictions and his general hysterical pronouncements, that no one sane who has a top medical career would say them except to fulfill a larger political agenda. Fauci is not just a manufactured, over-the-top villain, he’s the fall guy for Trump’s treasonous decisions so that Season Two of The President, starring Mr. Trump of course, can begin next January. Fauci has been and will continue to be a flashpoint for what is clearly shaping up to be fully instigated civil rebellion. Maybe Fauci will be fired. He will be handsomely rewarded nevertheless.



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