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WARNING: 5G and Coronavirus « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

WARNING: 5G and Coronavirus

April 13, 2020

MOST readers have probably encountered the theory that the coronavirus is merely a premeditated cover-up for illness caused by the installation of 5G wireless technology. This theory is literally all over the Internet. Its pervasiveness alone should be a tip-off that something is not right.

I want to warn readers emphatically against this theory.

It will likely be used to discredit the devastating health case against 5G.

I am not an expert on these issues. I look for those who know much more than I do. I support this statement by the Children’s Health Defense Fund:

Thousands of peer reviewed scientific studies link wireless technology, including 5G, to a grim inventory of deadly and dangerous injuries. Children’s Health Defense (CHD) does not find sound scientific evidence to support the hypothesis that 5G is the cause of the COVID-19 pandemic. We believe that the spread of this hypothesis provides a strategic advantage to Big Telecom and Big Data. Allowing these companies to focus the debate on COVID-19 has given them pretext to censor discussion of 5G and to shift the debate to a battlefield where the science is hypothetical and weak. We therefore urge health advocates to focus discussion on proven harms.

It continues:

There is ample pervasive human evidence of 5G and wireless harms. CHD’s work, including our historic lawsuit against the FCC for its false and obsolete health guidelines, is a potent threat to the wireless industry and its fraud on the public. CHD will continue to share the evidence and truth about 5G and wireless harms.

Don’t be snookered, dear reader. Resist 5G as much as you possibly can. Resist the corona hype too.


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