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Eugenics and the Coronavirus « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Eugenics and the Coronavirus

June 26, 2020

FROM an article by Gary D. Barnett:

The idea of killing off large segments of the population is nothing new, as eugenics has been a desire of the elite since ancient Greece and Rome, but the actual term eugenics was not first used until 1883 by Sir Francis Galton. As time passed and human progress accelerated during the early 20th century, the popular term eugenics lost its previous popularity among the herd, and was relegated to secret meetings of the eugenicists of the time. Although the elite’s desire to control life and death did not diminish, the manner in which it was discussed was forced to change. Today, population control is a euphemism for eugenics, and is a term that can be manipulated to promote ideas not readily accepted by the masses. Evil and deceitful people have changed little, but the ways in which they promote their ideas have become much more sophisticated. Real agendas are mostly hidden and certainly more sinister than imagined.

George Bernard Shaw thought that many people would have to be put out of existence because it wastes other people’s time (and money) to look after them. Isn’t that the feeling today by the ruling class concerning the old and weak during this fraudulent pandemic created for the purpose of gaining total control over all populations? Has not this practice of eliminating certain segments of the population been firmly in place since the beginning of this fake coronavirus scam? Which parts of the American populace have been targeted for death since the inception of this false crisis? It has been the old and infirmed, the poor, the weak of mind, and minorities, especially in the inner cities like New York.

In my opinion, nursing homes and long-term care facilities have become the hotbed of murder by the state, and many forced to be in those types of institutions have been purposely targeted for extermination, albeit under the guise of protecting them by forcible isolation, which led to little or no medical care. Depending on state or country, once a single symptom or two of so-called Covid-19 was said to exist in one patient, the entire establishment was considered infected. Because of this mandate, few, if any, would be allowed admittance to hospitals for general care, and none for Covid. This was in essence a death sentence for any that were sick from any ailment in these care homes.  In these circumstances, the death rates at nursing homes and senior centers have escalated dramatically, and with any planned second phase, even a higher level of orchestrated death in these types of places will occur. This is a travesty.

[Read more.]


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