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Masks: Identifying Resisters « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Masks: Identifying Resisters

June 28, 2020

“A LOYAL READER” writes:

I have enjoyed Peggy Hall’s videos on mask confusion.  She shares the latest Pacific NW wackiness which has unfortunately spread through this country faster than Covid.  Her local health departments “exempting” “LGBTQ, homeless, and people of color” from wearing masks because these groups are “marginalized” is the government’s way of admitting to those who care to listen the true reason for its requiring masks in the first place.  It has NEVER been about anyone’s health.  It is a way of segregating and MARGINALIZING those who are compliant from those who are not.  Evil will always tell you what it is doing.  The fact that the government admitted this is yet another dead canary in the coal mine.

I read a comment on another blog recently with a commenter’s four words in response to all of these unlawful mandates.  I WILL NOT COMPLY.  He also quoted 2 Tim. 1:7, “For God hath not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”  This has been on his heart from day one of the “crisis.”  My sentiments exactly!

I recently had a long-overdue dental appt.  As is my practice, I called in advance and was told that their policy, in accordance with the ADA, is that I must wear a mask, INTO THE DENTIST’S OFFICE!  I said I didn’t want to do this, and after the receptionist consulted with the dentist, I was allowed to enter without a mask. I had to call from the parking lot when I arrived. There were NO OTHER PATIENTS in the waiting room or office.  I told them that because they respected my wishes, I would bring the rest of my family to this practice, as my children had been going to another practice. The following day I brought my son for his first visit. Again, we wore no masks and I was in the exam room with him.  I will vote with my wallet and feet!

Yesterday, we went to settlement on a house.  Again, I called in advance to ask if masks were required. I was told that the building requires a mask in common areas, but the settlement office did not.  I don’t own a mask, so I did not wear one in either place. When I spoke with one of the employees, she seemed to be of the same mind as me, and of course was also not wearing a mask, although her boss was.  I told her the only way we will get rid of these immoral mandates is to ignore, persist, and speak out.  We must use the ballot box, courts, and impeachment or recall if necessary.  For those (esp. Christians) who protest that we “must do this for [someone’s] benefit”, it starts to sound like an excuse for cowardice.  How did we get rid of other immoral edicts, such as the Jim Crow laws?  Through people of like mind, all races, joining together in love and courage to RESIST peacefully, passionately, and persistently. These mask mandates are modern day Jim Crow laws imposed upon us.   What if the government next requires us to euthanize our children, elderly, disabled?  When do we stand up against this?  Don’t waste another day trying to contort your mind and heart to justify compliance with satanic edicts.  RESIST!  THE TIME IS NOW!



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