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A Visit to the Liquor Store « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Visit to the Liquor Store

July 14, 2020


 IT’S SAD that so few Americans consider their civil liberties worth defending and actually believe we are experiencing a public health emergency (other than a crisis caused by delayed medical treatment due to extended lockdowns). A little bit of research on the Internet will expose the lies, but most people are too lazy or indifferent to do it.

Here is one woman in Pennsylvania who stuck up for her right to shop without a mask. She understood that this was not just about wearing a mask, but about fundamental freedoms. She made one big mistake, however: She opened the door when a police officer later came to her home. Ultimately, nothing serious happened to her, but she was harassed and threatened by the police.

This is not about masks. It’s certainly not about public health. It’s about power and control.


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