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Better Late Than Never « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Better Late Than Never

July 3, 2020


SOME GOOD news for July Fourth week:

A southern Illinois judge ruled yesterday that Governor J.B. Pritzker exceeded his executive powers and violated the state constitution in repeatedly extending his initial 30-day Covid shutdown orders. In response to a lawsuit filed by state Representative Darren Bailey, Clay County Circuit Judge Michael McHaney rendered void the ongoing “mandatory” restrictions, including the wearing of masks, social distancing and limitations on crowd size or restaurant capacity. Illinois restaurants could not exceed 25 percent capacity under the latest restrictions.

What is true in Illinois applies to many other states: governors had no authority at all to shutdown or limit business and social activity for months.

What I want to know is, isn’t Pritzker’s violation of the state constitution a crime?

I guess not, if the people robbed actually support the crime.

— Comments —

“Loyal Reader” writes:

Such wonderful news that the Governor of Illinois’ overreach has been halted!  Every state needs judges that are willing to stand up to this tyranny and obliterate it!  I would take exception to one point in your post – Governors NEVER had authority to shut down businesses, churches, etc.  Perhaps schools, to the extent that they are under the jurisdiction of the State, although I would argue that the local jurisdictions should have the final say.  Those who are closest to the issues and the consequences of their decisions should be the most accountable.

If this was really about public health, the proper response by the government should have been to advise citizens and let them decide for themselves how to handle the information.  Because self-determination was (curiously) never presented as an option,it makes plain that this was and always has been a psy op, an attempt at a coup, a way of injecting socialism/communism into the American culture, some other sinister purpose, or all of the above.

I have been praying that all unrighteousness would be exposed and dealt with publicly.  This is truly an answer to prayer!  Now that there is a legal precedent for overturning this Executive Order in its entirety, I pray that more (all) states will follow suit.  Praise the LORD!

Also, you make an excellent point about those who are robbed agreeing to it. There are still far too many who have voluntarily given up their freedoms, in exchange for “dime store pearls.”  No graduations, no proms, no Little League, no swim team, and pools (even outdoor) are struggling to reopen in my area.  For what?  Because of a cold virus!  So that we can all stay “safe” from it!  What a laugh!  And of course, the professional sports have led the way in the insanity, with the PGA, NBA, MLB, and others participating in the charade.

This Covid situation has been a worldwide example of Stockholm syndrome.  Not all of us have played along, of course, but a large number of people have joined forces with their oppressors and even attacked those who would fight for their freedom!  We must continue to RESIST!



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