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Medical Murder in NYC? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Medical Murder in NYC?

July 11, 2020

THE DEATH rate from CV-19 was far higher in New York City than anywhere else in the country. The “epicenter” was Elmhurst Hospital in Queens.

In this lengthy interview, Erin Marie Olszewski, who was a nurse at Elmhurst during the virus season, says patients who came in without the virus but suffering from respiratory problems were sedated and put on ventilators, which eventually killed them. She provides video evidence. Many Covid patients were also sedated (making it impossible for them to clear their lungs by coughing) and put on ventilators, which is now believed to have been a death sentence for many. New York hospitals were receiving $29,000 from the federal government for each patient put on a ventilator. Gov. Cuomo publicly promoted the use of ventilators, and the state health department ordered hospitals and doctors not to use the drug, hydroxychloroquine. [Caution: Controversy rages about hydroxychloroquine. I am not qualified to assess this drug.] In neighboring Connecticut and Pennsylvania, the overall mortality this year is not higher than it was on average from 2017-2019. In New York City, it is 208 percent of what it was in those years.

Olszewksi is the third nurse who was working in New York City to speak out against what they contend was disastrous and deliberate medical mismanagement of mostly poor patients suspected of having the virus. Given that nowhere else in the country saw anything close to the New York death rate, this mismanagement for political and financial gain is one of the few plausible explanations for the anomalous conditions in New York. A full public investigation into treatment of patients in New York City should be launched.

— Comments —

J. writes:

I thought this video [from a Texas doctor who has successfully treated 75 patients without one death or hospital admission] might interest you. Thank you for keeping us informed.


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