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“On the Duty of Civil Disobedience” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

“On the Duty of Civil Disobedience”

July 15, 2020

“I HAVE PAID no poll-tax for six years. I was put into a jail once on this account, for one night; and, as I stood considering the walls of solid stone, two or three feet thick, the door of wood and iron, a foot thick, and the iron grating which strained the light, I could not help being struck with the foolishness of that institution which treated me as if I were mere flesh and blood and bones, to be locked up. I wondered that it should have concluded at length that this was the best use it could put me to, and had never thought to avail itself of my services in some way. I saw that, if there was a wall of stone between me and my townsmen, there was a still more difficult one to climb or break through, before they could get to be as free as I was. I did not for a moment feel confined, and the walls seemed a great waste of stone and mortar. I felt as if I alone of all my townsmen had paid my tax. They plainly did not know how to treat me, but behaved like persons who are underbred. In every threat and in every compliment there was a blunder; for they thought that my chief desire was to stand the other side of that stone wall. I could not but smile to see how industriously they locked the door on my meditations, which followed them out again without let or hindrance, and they were really all that was dangerous. As they could not reach me, they had resolved to punish my body; just as boys, if they cannot come at some person against whom they have a spite, will abuse his dog. I saw that the State was half-witted, that it was timid as a lone woman with her silver spoons, and that it did not know its friends from its foes, and I lost all my remaining respect for it, and pitied it.

“Thus the State never intentionally confronts a man’s sense, intellectual or moral, but only his body, his senses. It is not armed with superior wit or honesty, but with superior physical strength. I was not born to be forced. I will breathe after my own fashion. Let us see who is the strongest.”

— Henry David Thoreau, On the Duty of Civil Disobedience

— Comments —

I. writes:

I have been giving a lot of thought to what I would do when (not if) the restrictions of VirusRegime tightens.

My decision–if my job requires the vaccine, I will quit. If the State requires it, I will force them to look for me. If they find me, I will resist by all means, even if a kangaroo court convicts me.

I find no consolation in participating in this farce. Bright lines have already been drawn between myself, my coworkers and my family. They have all willingly surrendered to this evil without a single thought given to whether or not this is, in fact, evil.

God bless you and preserve you.

Laura writes:

Thank you, and the same.

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