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Prisoners in Panama « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Prisoners in Panama

July 21, 2020

L.R. writes:

Third world jails like in my country Panama are far more dirty than in America; each tiny cell is fully packed with several inmates and many times with members of rival gangs. Food most of the time is very bad; bathrooms are never in sanitary condition; guards are corrupt and collaborate with powerful, high-ranking gangs members, etc. For many years the media in Panama has been criticizing the bad conditions in jails and how the inmates live, but that has never changed.

Anyway, it makes sense, given these conditions, that these jails would be overwhelmed by the virus, right?

Well, I was taken by surprise last week when the media reported just two deaths and two people hospitalized so far.

Meanwhile, in the outside general population that is not trapped in those deplorable jails and have freedom to go outside to buy the necessary things in stores, the death toll and hospitalizations are much worse! Deaths are 1,000  and hospitalizations are 900+ so far!

It doesn’t make sense!

So there are two possible explanations of this strange virus statistic:

1- The criminals, men and women, in the jailed population are receiving first class medical attention and medicines that cure very easily 99% of them from the “new” virus, while we the outside population are receiving the worst kind of medical attention with doctors and nurses and giving us no medicines at all and just killing us in private and mostly public hospitals and using on us all the bad, ineffective “protocols” of the World Health organization!

2- The VERY LOW numbers of deaths and hospitalizations of the jailed population are NOT a lie because Brasil President Bolsonaro was right that this was just another flu virus with the LOW death rate of under 1% therefore, the LOW numbers of critical condition patients and deaths are not a lie, while the exaggerated, high numbers of deaths and critical hospital condition victims on the outside general populations are definitely a LIE and inflated to create more panic and sheep-like obedience on us for more 100+ years of lockdown and quarantine for a virus that is just .02% deadly!

I wonder if this same phenomenon of very low deaths in jailed populations vs. very high deaths and hospitalizations on the outside population are also happening in other third world and first world countries? Anyway, this is why I agreed with your blog that “the virus is real but the emergency pandemic alarm is a HOAX!” The jailed population in my country just showed that in the July chart up there!

Laura writes:

In this country, there have allegedly been 631 virus deaths out of a prison population of 2.3 million. Far more people have been released from prison than have been sickened. Of course, they will say that this low death rate of .0003 percent in facilities that are not as bad as in Panama but are still tightly packed with people who have weakened immunities due to confinement and often share cells, is due to the strict quarantining of prisoners in their cells. The American prison population is living in conditions close to solitary confinement. (They get free cable TV in many cases.)

There is no need to inflate the prison numbers, except for the purpose of arguing for mass release. Why not make prison conditions look good for the rest of us?





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