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The Four Foundations of Covid Fraud « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Four Foundations of Covid Fraud

July 31, 2020

IF I WERE to slap myself in astonishment every time I met someone who actually believes the criminally deceptive Covid-19 numbers in the news — the surges, the new cases, the rising death toll — I would be dead of brain injury in a few weeks.

Many, many people, even otherwise intelligent people, swill these lying statistics like binge drinkers in Fort Lauderdale downing strawberry daiquiris during spring break.

“Gee, honey, they say deaths are up to 150,000. We’ll have to stay in for another five months. But, don’t worry, we can watch the news all day to pass the time.”

One friend is planning to have virtually no social contact until a vaccine is released. He probably has a greater chance of dying of the vaccine than Covid-19, but nothing can shake his conviction that we are living through the Black Plague.

I asked him if he knew anyone who had been sick or died of the illness. He knew one woman in her 30s who experienced a flu, and recovered.

“And I know a man who was perfectly healthy and working. Two weeks later, he was dead.”

I asked him how old the man was.

“Ninety-one,” he said, with a poker-straight face.

I kid you not.

People will believe what they will believe.

For the skeptics who have not succumbed to the scam or emotion, The Anti-New York Times today offers a brilliantly succinct and comprehensive summary of just how the statistics and, in many cases, the deaths themselves, are manipulated. Thank you, Mike King, for this great summary. (He unfortunately buys the wild idea that this is a conspiracy against Trump and Republicans. As I said, people will believe what they will believe.):


1. Cases Diagnosed by “Symptoms” and “Presumption”

Hospitals and nursing homes are – as per CDC directives – allowed to diagnose cases “by symptoms” and still receive their per case Covid commission checks. How many cases of pneumonia, influenza, COPD etc. were diagnosed as “presumed” Stupid-19, “by symptoms” such as fever or difficulty breathing? Answer: Lots!

From the CDC’s own bloody website / Q&A:

National Vital Statistics System

Covid – 19 Alert #2 / March 19, 2020

Q: What happens if the terms reported on the death certificate indicate uncertainty?

A: If the death certificate reports terms such as “probable COVID-19” or “likely COVID-19,” these terms would be assigned the new ICD code. It Is not likely that NCHS will follow up on these cases. (here)

Translation: “Go ahead and put ‘Covid-19’ on the Death Certificate — We won’t ever ‘follow up.'” (wink wink — cha ching cha ching)


2. Cases Diagnosed by Faulty Kits / Rigged Lab Tests

LabCorp and Quest Diagnostics are handling the bulk of the tests. The Mayo Clinic is also conducting many of the tests. Apart from the fact that LabCorp and Quest are Fortune 500 giants cannot be trusted, . – and that Mayo is heavily government-funded — CDC’s own website reveals that any of the other strains of coronavirus (common colds) can be detected as “positives” both for Stupid-19 and the anti-bodies generate by “recovered” cases. The lab-rigging, in many cases, has also involved faulty, Covid-contaminated test kits.


Guidelines for COVID-19 Antibody Testing

Some tests may exhibit cross-reactivity with other coronaviruses, such as those that cause the common cold. This could result in false-positive test results. (here)

Headline: NY Times (February 12, 2020) 

Coronavirus Test Kits Sent to States Are Flawed, C.D.C. Says (here)

Headline: NY Times (April 18, 2020)

C.D.C. Labs Were Contaminated, Delaying Coronavirus Testing, Officials Say (here)

Headline: Al Jazeera (May 3, 2020)

Tanzania President Questions Coronavirus Kits After Animal Test

President Magufuli says tests were found to be faulty after goat, sheep and pawpaw samples test positive for COVID-19. (here)

Headline: New York Post (July 21, 2020) 

Connecticut Lab Finds 90 Positive COVIS Cases were False (here

3. Gross Inflation of Numbers by Local / State Demonrat Authorities and the CDC

Headline (June 9, 2020): Med Page Today 

Nursing Homes Shocked at ‘Insanely Wrong’ CMS Data on COVID-19: 

— One facility supposedly had eight coronavirus deaths for each bed

When the administrator of the Saugus Rehab and Nursing Center in Saugus, Massachusetts, heard that a new Medicare website reported her facility had 794 confirmed cases of COVID-19 — the second highest in the country — and 281 cases among staff, she gasped. —  “Oh my God. Where are they getting those numbers from?” said Josephine Ajayi. “That doesn’t make any sense.” — Those weren’t the numbers that her facility reported to the CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network, under new rules from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), she said. (here)

Headline (July 22, 2020): Military.com

In Error, Tricare Tells 600K Beneficiaries They’ve Had COVID-19

More than 600,000 Tricare users in the military health system’s East Region received emails Friday asking them to consider donating blood for research as “survivors of COVID-19. But given that just 31,000 persons affiliated with the U.S. military have been diagnosed with the coronavirus, the email came as a surprise to beneficiaries.” (here) 

Headline: My Sun Coast News, Florida (July 19, 2020)

Concerns arise as some receive positive COVID-19 results but never got tested

“I got a call asking for me, and they told me that I had tested positive. I was like, ‘Positive for what?” Then, the lady said for COVID, and I said, ‘That’s impossible. I never got tested, Ma’am,’” Mindy Clark said. (here)


4. Outright MURDER of Seniors in Hospitals & Nursing Homes

With elderly patients cut-off from visitors, the Ghouls in Gowns (aka “Frontline Heroes”) – already known to be genocidal maniacs (see “The Morphine Genocide,” by yours truly (here)) — have an even freer hand now to finish off our octogenarians and nonagenarians (and in some New York City cases, even young poorer people) with sedatives and ventilators. Every senior bumped off represents a big savings to the government, and bonus money for the hospitals / nursing homes ($39,000 per ventilator case plus the standard “palliative care” payout!)

— Comments —

Loyal writes:

“Four Foundations…” There are so many!!  But at least four simplifies things somewhat.  There is so much misinformation and downright lies, obfuscation, threats, bullying, hysteria…it is hard to keep things straight in one’s mind.  Simplifying things (such as through the eyes of a child) makes it much easier to see through the deception.

It blows my mind that governors and other petty tyrants all the way up and down the ladder keep citing “science” as their basis for continuing these ridiculous, unlawful, and immoral mandates, when in fact the science, and many doctors, teaching universities, AAPS, NEJM, etc., have all come out against masks and lockdowns.  The simple fact is, our immune systems, like our muscles, get weaker with lack of use.  Hiding and lathering up on hand sanitizer is NOT helpful.  And even if, Heaven forbid, someone should contract the dreaded covid, there are simple, inexpensive, and readily available medications that have been vetted for decades to combat it.  So…WHY THE HYSTERIA?  Have people lost their ability to reason?

And the lies.  The CDC has made its fraud clearly evident, doesn’t even try to hide it.  LabCorp mentions “false positives” and “false negatives” on its own website, so what good are the tests?  Besides, the more “cases”, the better, as that makes the death rate even lower than its infinitesimally small count.  Clearly hospitals and funeral homes are NOT overwhelmed.  So why do we even need the tests, or a vaccine?

Laura writes:

That’s what I keep saying. Why get tested???? 

When there’s a flu, people know they have it. Why get a test, especially one as unreliable as these tests? If you don’t get sick, then forget about it. If you do get sick, then consider the treatments available.

The tests are nothing but a huge money-making scam. Correction: They are a money-making scam and a propaganda tool.

By the way, I talked to a “naturopathic” doctor last week. He is part of a practice with 10,000 patients. They had a number of people with flu-like symptoms similar to those associated with Covid this year and not a single one entered the hospital or died — out of 10,000 people. And it has entirely disappeared with the warm weather.

Loyal writes:

We have a friend who is a respiratory therapist (RN) in a large metropolitan area.  She has been LAID OFF one day a week because there is simply nothing for her to do.  She currently has two patients, not covid related.  Her two co-workers spoke out about the situation, and they were both fired.

Stories like this make me even more determined to ignore, resist, and persist against these evil “mandates” based on lies.  I never thought I’d see the day I would be so determined to rebel against the government, but I simply cannot abide this evil.  In the absence of a scientific purpose for wearing a mask (or avoiding social contact), those petty tyrants who insist it is the “law” to do so are in fact unconstitutionally establishing a religious practice.

Laura writes:

Mass tax resistance is the only answer.

Americans by the millions should refuse to pay taxes.

The government has declared war against us and we are not obliged to subsidize domestic enemies.





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