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The Health Secretary Speaks « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Health Secretary Speaks

July 31, 2020

DR. Richard Levine is the “Health Secretary” of Pennsylvania who goes by the name “Rachel Levine” and openly impersonates a woman. This might seem like a sick joke, but it’s true. Imagine someone who can’t read being the Education Secretary, and you get the absurdity of it. He doesn’t recognize basic and obvious facts of biology, but is a top ranking, state health official. That says much about our government and the willingness of Americans to swallow open lies.

This week, Dr. Levine, who has brought Pennsylvania under inane, unconstitutional and punishing restrictions, complained about the “transphobic” attacks against him during his Covid drag queen rule. The elderly languish under ongoing quarantine, Pennsylvanians continue to absorb the mass trauma they have experienced, the fearful barely see the light of day, businesses are folding because of his directives, but Levine is ticked off that others have noticed the most obvious thing about him:

Levine spent the first four minutes of a COVID-19 briefing addressing recent discrimination she said she has faced because she is a transgender woman.

A dunk tank at the Bloomsburg Fair, menu items and Facebook posts have mocked Levine’s gender identity.

“I want to emphasize that while these individuals may think they are only expressing their displeasure with me, they are in fact hurting the thousands of LGBTQ Pennsylvanians who suffer directly from these current demonstrations of harassment. Your actions perpetuate a spirit of intolerance and discrimination against LGBTQ individuals and specifically transgender individuals,” Levine said.

Fair officials and others have apologized for their actions.

Look, we all have things we’d like to change about ourselves, some have very big things. But most people somehow learn the art of resignation. Transphobia is another word for common sense. We should be compassionate towards suffering, but deeply afraid of lying, delusional behavior. Richard is not a Rachel and there is a case to be made that he belongs not just in a dunk tank at the state fair, but under permanent, lifelong quarantine in a locked facility with no visitors ever just like all those who died this year in near solitude because of his unconstitutional orders. He is a danger to public health. When faced with a psychopathic manipulator, we should put the things she, I mean he, says before a mirror. When he says he’s being hurt, he’s actually hurting others. When he says the mockery of him is hurting others, it is actually helping them.

Levine is guilty of mentally abusing the young and the vulnerable by promoting the transgender lie. When he says he is a victim of discrimination, we know the exact opposite is true. He has gotten to this position of power precisely because he is impersonating a woman. He is not a victim of discrimination; he is a beneficiary of it. The people who apologized should be ashamed of themselves not for ridiculing him, but for failing to ridicule this state of affairs enough.

“My heart is full with a burning desire to help people and my time is full with working towards protecting the public health of everyone in Pennsylvania from the impact of the global pandemic due to COVID-19. And I will stay laser focused on that goal,” she said.

Are you interested in this Health Secretary’s burning desires?

I’m not.

When Richard Levine says he is protecting public health, he is disastrously damaging it. He is a public health emergency.


— Comments —

H. writes:

Your post today regarding our Secretary of Health brought to mind something I’ve been mulling over all along.  Even if he/she were not transgender, how can it be adequate to have a psychiatrist as the secretary of health, especially during an infectious disease “pandemic” when psychiatry is so different from other medicine?  Perhaps this is why we are having such draconian measures, because he/she knows how to cause much mental anguish?

Please keep up the good work of bringing an alternative thinking perspective to everything.

Laura writes:

Thank you very much.

What an important point! A psychiatrist … I forgot about that. He has studied the human psyche and knows how to manipulate it. He has mentally tortured the residents of Pennsylvania with diabolical expertise.

This guy is truly scary. It gives me the creeps just to look at him. He’s the sadistic, Communist commandant of the prison camp he has made of Pennsylvania. What kind of twisted pleasure did he get in ordering Pennsylvanias to wear masks at all times outside their homes? And he has the incredible arrogance to whine about how he’s been ridiculed and then to engage in more ritualistic torture by pressuring them to apologize and further humiliate themselves.

Laura adds:

Another unapologetic, transphobic comment here:

Only one barbershop in Pennsylvania should have been closed under Mister Levine’s “health” directives and that is the barbershop that does his hair. And it should close its doors for good or be fined for malpractice.

“Transgendered” males never look like women.

Catholic in NJ writes:

We should refer to these people as their proper gender. This is a man, Mr. Levine, no “he/she” about it.

As to his coiffure, do an image search of the founder of your fair state, William Penn, or take a look at an oatmeal box.

Laura writes:

We should always refer to a person in their actual gender.

He might have looked masculine in the 17th century with that hairdo. Since he’s going for a feminine look, I think Mister Levine, given his facial structure, would look better in pigtails. But that’s just me.


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