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The Molding of the Commie Child « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Molding of the Commie Child

July 31, 2020

FROM The Contemplative Observer:

Our generation of today bears little to no resemblance with earlier generations. It is safe to assume that these ancestors of ours would turn in their graves (possibly they do), could they see what has happened to their countries – to a world, a culture, a civilisation, that they had helped build.

This author, born in the first half of the 1960s, still has experienced, mostly as a child and youth, the final years of an entirely different world (which the revolution of the late sixties and seventies did away with). Everybody of his age, or older, has. So, let’s take a look back on how things were then, and what things are like now.

What first comes to mind is the authority parents, relatives, teachers and even neighbours had over children. One simply didn’t object; or protest; or address adults (let alone complete strangers) on a first-name basis (or even try to argue with them or school them). It was called respect, and obedience, and decent conduct – all of which have been subsumed by the Left under their deadly label of “poisonous pedadgogy”, the real poison properly so called having been their own widely advertised (and widely accepted) “anti-authoritarian education” (the term nicely echoing Frankfurt School member Theodor Adorno’s 1950 book, The Authoritarian Personality).  The irony of it all is that the forces pushing this dismantling of traditional society in the West have been and still are, ultimately, those ultra-authoritarian (nay: ultra-totalitarian) communist regimes (they are still all communist) in Moscow, Beijing and elsewhere throughout the communist world (that never imploded), the rationale being that a one-sided collapse of order and decency in the societies of the West would give predatory world communism a huge advantage in its “struggle” against so-called bourgeois capitalism. And it wasn’t just obedience, that used to be held in high regard, but along with it a kind of humbleness and truly childlike innocence, that have mysteriously disappeared when we look at the present situation. Children then understood and accepted that they didn’t have to be in the centre of everybody’s attention 24/7. They also were made to acknowledge that what adults were talking about was not always comprehensible to the still-developing and imperfect mind of a child. Furthermore, there was no “family parliament” in place, where parents treat their children as if they were grown-ups too, placing an amount of responsibility and decision-making on their children’s shoulders that is entirely inappropriate, as it overwhelms a child’s limited capacity of discernment, let alone prudence. At the time, it was crystal-clear to everyone that as long as children are still children, it’s the parents’ duty and responsibility (and therefore their right) to make decisions on behalf of their children – otherwise, what are adults there for, in the first place (being adults and parents). Today, to exercise parental authority even in a very mild and non-physical manner, might be easily denounced as “abusive”. To say “no” and stick to it, as overly “oppressive”. The disastrous fruits of decades of such ill-advised (and irresponsible) pedagogy, we can see in the young generation of today. Infinitely spoilt, ever-demanding, used to always have their way, they represent a generation of full-scale tyrants (already, in many cases, before they even enter school). Such disobedient, respectless and totally pretentious youth now sadly turns out as ideal cannon-fodder for the revolution. Everything that they’ve ever been granted, they have taken for granted. Their egos are as tall as Mount Everest, never mind that – courtesy of decades of revolutionary education – there isn’t all that much there inside their heads. Minimise knowledge and understanding; maximise brutality and ruthlessness! Our ever-politically-correct parent generations of recent decades have bred a frightening new generation of – dare we say? – monsters!

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