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The New Burka « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The New Burka

July 16, 2020

A TRULY HILARIOUS comment after a Peggy Hall video:

Today I did something different. I haven’t worn a muzzle yet. Not once. Today I had to go the bank and Safeway. I have a large sheer floral patterned shawl. I can see through it fine but no one can see my face.

I put the scarf fully draped over my head and face and put a hat on to hold it in place. Went into the bank. I needed to withdraw more cash than the ATM allows. I handed her my driver’s license and bank card, as I do when I get cash.

She said she had to see my eyes to ID me. I said, no you don’t; do you ask people in burkas to do this?

I told her this was my religious covering. And it was. For today.

She asked me three security questions. I answered them. She still wouldn’t give me my money.

She called a manager who went through all those questions and then some. They hemmed and hawed. I told them I was getting hot and I didn’t want to faint on their floor and they were discriminating against me by detaining me.

They aren’t wearing gloves to handle the money but you should see the plexiglass shields; they leave you no room to set your bag down and you have to reach under to sign things, etc.; it’s ridiculous.

So they’re not afraid to touch money all day, but oh my a droplet could get on them hence the plexiglass. Oh please.

I got my money and went to Safeway. I could see people trying not to stare at me, but no one said a word.

And I did it all in an over the top British accent; when I’m under stress it just happens! 😉

I called the bank. They apologized to me and said from now on a manager will assist me so I’m not detained again.

… I’ll probably do it again at another branch. I want to see if it happens again. I thought you couldn’t wear masks to banks because they conceal possible criminals’ faces. Now it’s ok?!?

I’m not making this easy for them. My mother was upset with me because she said I made fools of the clerks. No. I disagree. They are making fools of us telling us to muzzle ourselves to do business with them. I know it’s not the employees choosing this; they’re told to or lose their job.

But they need to organize and defy these employers. I feel we must figure out a way to make things more difficult for them. Point out the ridiculousness of it all.

The last time I went to the bank I was the only unmuzzled person there and an employee approached me in line. “Don’t you need a mask, ma’am?” No. And I held up my copy of the ADA rules. She quickly retreated. If we don’t figure out a way to snap people out of it, I don’t know how we can stop this.

People I know are telling me they’re wearing the muzzle NOT because they think this is real; they just don’t want a confrontation. Well, what would they rather have? Their children in a FEMA camp? I’m truly astonished people can’t see what they’re doing: capitulating to tyranny. God bless.



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