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What Is Critical Theory? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

What Is Critical Theory?

July 15, 2020


1. Critical theory is taking socially binding norms and flipping the narrative to make them pejoratives, pathologies, and oppression that must be fought in order to destroy the strengths & defenses of a society, like what HIV does to the immune system

2. Critical theory as it applies to men and women is taking something as socially binding as the natural differences in mental and physical talents and abilities between men and women, and making them a pejorative called “sexism”

3. Critical theory as it applies to family is taking something as socially binding and natural as loving and caring for your family, and making it a pejorative called “patriarchy”

4. Critical theory as it applies to biology and marriage is taking something as socially binding and natural as saying a man is a man, a woman is a woman, and a man and a woman make and raise children, and making it a pejorative called “heteronormative”

5. Critical theory as it applies to pregnancy is taking something as socially binding and natural as being pregnant with a child, and making it a pejorative called a “punishment”, “parasite”, “medical condition”, “fetus”, or “choice”

6. Critical theory as it applies to ethnicity or race is taking something as socially binding as loving and caring for your people (your extended family – ancestry, ethnicity, race), and making it a pejorative called “racism”

7. Critical theory as it applies to ethnicity and race is also taking something as socially binding and natural as unique people wanting to continue their existence in the world, and making it a pejorative called “inbred”, “eugenics”, “master race”, “supremacy”

8. Critical theory as it applies to nations is taking something as socially binding and natural as preserving and protecting a homeland for your people to continue to exist and flourish, and making it a pejorative called “xenophobia”

9. Critical theory as it applies to religion and history is taking something as socially binding and natural as shared beliefs, eternal truths, and past of a people, and making it a pejorative called “outdated”, “bigotry”, “hate”, or “centrism”

10. The purpose of critical theory is to critique, demonize, and break apart these socially binding norms in people’s minds while promoting the exact opposite of what was normal

11. Critical theory creates a society of basket cases searching for an identity that used to come from traditional places like family, race, country, or religion, and turning us into workers, consumers, and debt slaves

12. Critical theory is the mental and cultural subversion of a people into accepting the Jewish Marxist ideals of abolishing private property, abolishing the family, abolishing nations, and abolishing religion, eternal truths, and the past

13. The only defense against these subversive attacks on our social immune system is promoting and strengthening these socially binding norms, and purging society of this virus before it purges us, our people, and our nation



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