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Hit by a Brick, Hit by a Fist « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Hit by a Brick, Hit by a Fist

August 31, 2020

THE MEDIA is openly encouraging random attacks on whites by promoting hateful Black Lives Matter propaganda.

Here are two examples: a man in Baltimore is hit in the head by brick while crossing the street; a woman at church is punched in the face.

Stay calm. The people in charge want race war. Don’t let them have it.

Black Lives Matter is not funded to the tune of tens of millions by blacks. Nor do black people determine what gets in the news.

— Comments —

Rudiger writes:

Rather than stay calm, staying vigilant when around groups of blacks or when close to black neighborhoods is better advice. Do NOT be calm around blacks, be alert!

No one is calling for a race war. What would that even look like? Can you provide any evidence that there is a serious call for a race war?

Black criminality is a perpetual problem. Blacks don’t need BLM to encourage them to assault, kill and rape and loot, its part of their culture.

There is plenty of evidence supporting systematic black criminality and violence. There are hours of video footage of black violence available online.

Soros didn’t pay Raynard, Jacobs, Floyd, the brick guy and that gorilla in the Novus Ordo church to assault whites, or to resist arrest and lead criminal lives. They did that all on their own! Lets give blacks the dignity of being responsible for their own action, instead of claiming they are pawns of (((globalists))).

Laura writes:

Rather than stay calm, staying vigilant when around groups of blacks or when close to black neighborhoods is better advice. Do NOT be calm around blacks, be alert!

Vigilance is the instinctive reaction to all these events. Stay calm to be vigilant.

No one is calling for a race war. What would that even look like? Can you provide any evidence that there is a serious call for a race war?

What are the billions of dollars in free publicity for Antifa and Black Lives Matter, what is the explicit promotion of these groups by the media and academia, but the inciting of race war? What is Trump’s decision to be hands off with the looters but an encouragement of race war? After all, whites are simply not going to take this abuse indefinitely and some are going to react violently. And that’s exactly what they want, for America to descend into hotspots of racial war that destroy the cities, demoralize the population, balkanize the country and keep those in power firmly in control, getting blacks and whites to kill each other in the process.

Black criminality is a perpetual problem. Blacks don’t need BLM to encourage them to assault, kill and rape and loot, its part of their culture.

That’s true and any longtime reader of this site knows I am no apologist for black criminals. But this criminality has been stoked and encouraged, now more than ever.

Soros didn’t pay Raynard, Jacobs, Floyd, the brick guy and that [thug] in the Novus Ordo church to assault whites, or to resist arrest and lead criminal lives. They did that all on their own! Let’s give blacks the dignity of being responsible for their own action, instead of claiming they are pawns of (((globalists))).

I don’t mean to absolve blacks of responsibility, but from the moment they awaken to this world they are surrounded by anti-white propaganda, in schools, in the media, from Hollywood — and yes, that is funded by powerful people. Seriously, how could the poor and mentally limited not become violent in significant numbers in this environment?

Laura writes:

It’s probably not fair to blame Trump for uncontrolled looting and violence. He defended himself well on this score in Kenosha today.

Rudiger writes:

You still haven’t said what a race war is! Whites using  force to protect their person and communities against chimp-outs isn’t a war.

Now, I still think the country needs to be broken up in some sort of fashion. It’s too big. We are making ourselves miserable!

Laura writes:

I spoke of hotspots of violence — I didn’t mean like we have now. I mean actual war between black gangs, BLM, Antifa and white militias.

As far as breaking the country up, that’s very idealistic and I know it is an attractive idea, but that broken up country will have powerful enemies in Russia and China. We’ll be weaker against foreign enemies. Besides, America is a spiritual entity, not just an empire, and we shouldn’t welcome breaking it up.

Rudiger writes:

The country is too big, it’s too diverse, it’s intolerable for both sides. I’ve been studying the Founding and the war between the states. The “country” was broken up then. The thing we call “our country” was divisible by design. The original intention was a very loose union of separate countries, they called them states. Read the ratification of the Constitution of New York, Rhode Island and Virginia. Never did the country of New York or Virginia intend to give up its sovereignty to a massive Federal government that they could never leave.

Lincoln put an end to that and formed a federal empire. He created, by killing his own people, a new uniform country that did not exist before 1860. We are not a “union” or “one nation” as the socialist wrote in the Pledge of Allegiance. The South was forced into the union by the tip of the bayonet.

And of course we were all taught in Dewey’s forced education system that Lincoln is the greatest of presidents. You know how all the Novus Ordo’s talk about JPII and Ratzinger and Paul VI? That’s the same way we talk about Lincoln, why? Because he is the real founder of this country. No wonder they want to get rid of the Southern leaders’ statues.

I don’t know what it would look like or how it would come about, but I’m for a smaller country as the Founders intended.  It has to come about eventually. There is nothing we have in common with California. Unless we live under a Soviet-like  tyranny, I think breaking up is inevitable. It’s not unity if we are forced to be together.

Let China come, at least we would live under honest tyrants, instead of lying language manipulators!

Laura writes:

Chinese Communists are honest?

Anyway, you make good points.

Rudiger writes:

Well, honest about being Communists. We are really moving into a new phase of government no matter what. I just want a smaller country, with more local control, like the founders tried to put together. But I think we are all just guessing what will happen.






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