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Life with Fear Junkies « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Life with Fear Junkies

August 8, 2020


That’s an excellent article by Gary Barnett. The loneliness, isolation, joylessness are so terrible. I have a family friend who lives far away; he is a 75-year-old bachelor who was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer a year ago.  He called me in desperation yesterday because he has developed severe pain in one ankle and can barely get around in his apartment.  All of his church friends are terrified about Covid-19, and are rigorously practicing social distancing.  So no one wants to visit him and help out.

As for trying to wake people up . . . I am finding it impossible.  It’s unreal.  I recently talked on the phone with a woman who was in high school with me.  She told me how she had canceled a trip to visit an elderly relative of whom she is very fond.  My friend said that she didn’t want “to bring Covid-19” from her state to her relative.  I guess I can understand the concern because of the person’s age, but another part of me was thinking, “you may never see this person again.  After all, she is 85.”

Then I asked her how many people she knew who had died from Covid-19.  She answered that she didn’t know anyone who had died from it; in fact, she didn’t know anyone who had been diagnosed with it! So, I asked, “Don’t you think there is something phony about this Corona virus?” Her answer:  “I’ll just be glad when they get the vaccine, then we won’t have to worry about it anymore.”  It was obvious at that point that she didn’t want to “worry about it anymore.”

Usually this time of year I make the 500-mile trip to visit two of my sisters and their spouses.  No invitation was forthcoming this year as they are also terrified, social distancing, and masked up.  And staying home.  They don’t even get together any more.  Back in April one person had a birthday, so the four celebrated by sitting in one couple’s driveway, 6 feet apart, and eating microwave popcorn (no shared meal or birthday cake, too dangerous).  I gather that was the last visit, and they live only 25 minutes apart.  These are all educated folks, with advanced degrees, retired from professional careers.  No way can I try to wake them up.

Shopping is becoming a downer.  I am usually the only person in the store without a mask, although there may sometimes be a bearded, grizzled, tattooed “dude” who isn’t wearing the face diaper !  Recently I was in Hobby Lobby, and that store now has ominous warnings that due to the state “order” (it’s an “order” now, no longer a “mandate”), face coverings are required and for those not complying, “law enforcement may be called.”  No one said anything to me, and the cashier didn’t mind accepting my money.  I figured, if an employee said anything, I would reply that there was technically no LAW to be enforced.  Of course, the governor’s nasty, devious EO provides that the store can charge an unmasked customer with trespassing.

People tell me that I should wear a mask to protect others and to show that I care about their health.  Well, I wonder how shoppers in Walmart would like it if I started pointing out that all the junk food and soft drinks in their carts are dangerous to their health.  That would be a realistic, beneficial way to show that I care about them.  But, then, I probably would get charged with harassment of some sort.

The stupidity of most people is beyond incredible.  It seems 99% of Americans are brain dead.

My prayers and best wishes and thanks!


PS:  Example of language inflation at Walmart:  Baby food sign has been changed to “Pediatric Nutrition.”  Oh, E.B. White, we need you! 😊




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