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Living Off the Land « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Living Off the Land

August 11, 2020

IN A TALK about the Catholic land movement at In the Spirit of Chartres, Tim Ehlen recommends great general resources for those wanting to learn more about gardening and farming, such hot topics today. This interview will be available for free until September 1. Ehlen has lots of interesting things to say about small-scale farming.

Self-sufficient farmers are vital to political liberty. Farmers can’t be fired, and therefore tend to be more independent-minded. The instincts for independent thinking die when most people face possible loss of livelihood for contrary views. Most people literally can’t afford to think anymore. It’s the most dangerous of hobbies. That’s one reason (of many) why we need more small-scale farmers.


Joel Salatin from Rogue Food


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