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Trump and the Hegelian Dialectic « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Trump and the Hegelian Dialectic

August 10, 2020

THE PURPOSEĀ of the Trump presidency has always been to discredit once and for all American nationalism, associating people who love this country and its traditions with “white supremacy,” “Nazism” and crude, egotistic personality traits. Trump has succeeded with flying colors, leaving his base with unfulfilled hopes and those who hate this polarizing candidate more than willing to elect a corrupt Democratic puppet with dementia who probably won’t even serve his full term. One extreme leads to the other, the Hegelian “thesis” and “antithesis” preparing us for the “synthesis” of global government.

Starting at minute 36:00 in this podcast, the financial analyst Chris Pirnak makes some forecasts for the upcoming presidential election. I highly recommend his sobering observations.

Don’t invest energy in this election. It’s theater.


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