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Covid: The “Sustainability” Virus « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Covid: The “Sustainability” Virus

September 14, 2020

FROM The G-20 Virus,” by Kevin Mugur Galalae (May 22, 2020):

Covid-19 is a political disease invented to accomplish the sustainability agenda, which has four overarching objectives: depopulation, decarbonization, globalization, and digitization.

First and foremost, the fake covid-19 pandemic is meant to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by greatly reducing the capacity and output of entire industries deemed nonessential, bankrupting tens of thousands of companies, putting half a billion people out of work, and subjecting the rest of the global population to severe economic uncertainty and duress; all of which will result in a much lower overall carbon footprint as a result of lower individual consumption patterns and thus a giant step forward towards a neutral carbon economy.

The fake pandemic provides the plausible deniability governments need to preserve the illusion of legitimacy and the rule of law while conducting a global program of industrial sabotage or creative destruction that will allow them to restructure the global economy according to the sustainability agenda and the decarbonization prerogative. This strategy is the hallmark of all covert methods of depopulation, which is now extended to also cover the decarbonization agenda.

Since the G-20 nations are responsible for the vast majority of greenhouse gas emissions, namely 74%, it falls upon them to make the greatest sacrifices in order to address this problem before the climate heats up by more than 1.5 degrees Celsius and the planet’s life support systems are damaged beyond repair.[Editor: This idea of catastrophic damage is not based in science.]

That the G-20 nations are indeed making the greatest sacrifices is revealed by the fact that they are registering the greatest number of covid-19 infections (83% of the global total) and deaths (92% of the global total), be they real or manufactured, which in turn allows them to cause the greatest economic damage to their own economies and thus the greatest reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

As such, covid-19 should be renamed the G-20 Virus or the Decarbonization Virus.

Here is the data as of 22 May 2020 … (Scroll down the page. Download not necessary.)

— Comments —

Michael writes:

Wonder what part of reducing carbon reconciles with burning down everything west of the Rocky Mountains?  Or is it like the old joke about losing money on every unit sold but making up for it in volume?

Or is that simply about driving a stampede of human herd for a centralized slaughter later?  At least somebody is thinking in economies of scale, I guess.

What was our Creator thinking when He created all those naughty C atoms anyway?  Didn’t he check with Science first?

Laura writes:

Wonder what part of reducing carbon reconciles with burning down everything west of the Rocky Mountains? 

Not sure whether that fits under ‘depopulation’ or ‘decarbonization.’ (People would drive less if they all moved to cities).



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