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Smoke Warfare in California? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Smoke Warfare in California?

September 15, 2020


IN DECEMBER 2019, Deborah Tavares predicted that Californians would be subject to intense smoke from fires and that it would be used as an economic and biological weapon. (It’s more of the “sustainability” agenda to reduce population and carbon emissions. See video below.) In eery confirmation of her scenario, Californians today are experiencing raging fires and clouds of smoke from many miles away.

Disclaimer: This is a not an endorsement of all Tavares’s views.

By the way, you cannot begin to grasp possible plots like this unless you first understand that the people behind them are not diabolical conspirators delighting in crimes against humanity, but driven idealists who believe any means justify the attainment of their abstract visions of utopia. They are human beings, not demons.



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