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Trump in Kenosha « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Trump in Kenosha

September 1, 2020

TRUMP was really impressive in Kenosha, Wisconsin today. This was one of the high points of his mostly disgraceful presidency.

You can see his entire appearance with business people and law enforcement. He was confident and forceful in condemning the looting and “racial ideology” behind it. His best remarks are near the end of the press conference.

“One of the reasons I’m making the trip today and going to Wisconsin is we’ve had such a big success in shutting down what would be, right now, a city — that would have been Kenosha — a city that would have been burned to the ground by now,” he said.

When a reporter asked if he believed systemic racism was a problem in the United States, Trump replied: “Well, you know, you just keep getting back to the opposite subject. We should talk about the kind of violence that we’ve seen in Portland and here and other places. It’s tremendous violence. You always get to the other side.”

“These are not acts of peaceful protest but really domestic terror,” Trump said earlier in his remarks. (Source)


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