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Wildfires or High-Tech Arson? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Wildfires or High-Tech Arson?

September 18, 2020


MY deepest sympathy and prayers for all those affected by the raging fires in the West. So many have suffered devastating losses. I can only imagine how awful it must be to lose everything in a fire.

Many suspect, due to the anomalous nature of the destruction, with houses incinerated while the trees all around remain standing and with other strange details, that these fires are not wild at all. Many suspect at least some of the fires were no more caused by “climate change,” as we are being constantly told, than the riots and plandemic were. Are they a continuation of the ongoing Bolshevik Revolution and the implementation of U.N. Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030? I guess you have to be a real nut to believe that.

Here, in this video, is some food for thought. (His comment about the Vatican is clueless.) The footage and photos of the damage are mind-blowing.


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