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Biden’s Breathtaking Ability to Lie « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Biden’s Breathtaking Ability to Lie

October 20, 2020


JOE BIDEN’S career would have ended in 1987 in any political system that valued integrity.

In September of that year, he lied — boldly and repeatedly — about his academic credentials.

In his statement today, Mr. Biden, who attended the Syracuse College of Law and graduated 76th in a class of 85, acknowledged: ”I did not graduate in the top half of my class at law school and my recollection of this was inaccurate.”

As for receiving three degrees, Mr. Biden said: ”I graduated from the University of Delaware with a double major in history and political science. My reference to degrees at the Claremont event was intended to refer to these majors – I said ‘three’ and should have said ‘two.’ ” Mr. Biden received a single B.A. in history and political science.

”With regard to my being the outstanding student in the political science department,” the statement went on. ”My name was put up for that award by David Ingersoll, who is still at the University of Delaware.”

In the Sunday interview, Mr. Biden said of his claim that he went to school on full academic scholarship: ”My recollection is – and I’d have to confirm this – but I don’t recall paying any money to go to law school.” Newsweek said Mr. Biden had gone to Syracuse ”on half scholarship based on financial need.”  [Source]

The man is a colossal fraud whose career should have been decimated by his public lies.


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