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Ireland Enters Second Lockdown « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Ireland Enters Second Lockdown

October 20, 2020

EVEN though almost no one is dying from Covid and the reported total death toll for the year remains at 1852 people, Ireland’s government, using the by now well-established fraud of rising “cases” of people who are not even sick, has imposed a new lockdown starting today and has said that “periodic lockdowns” may be necessary. The Guardian reports:

Ireland is to close much of its economy and society in a second Covid-19 lockdown that imposes some of the severest restrictions in Europe.

Non-essential shops will close and people are asked to stay at home, with a 5km (3 mile) travel limit for exercise, to curb surging infection rates, the government announced on Monday evening.

From midnight on Wednesday the country will move to its highest lockdown tier for six weeks. Visits to private homes or gardens will not be permitted and there are to be no gatherings except for tightly controlled weddings and funerals.

A graduated fine system for those who breach the 5km travel limit – with exceptions for work and other purposes deemed essential – will be announced later this week. People who live alone or are parenting alone can pair with one other household as part of a support bubble. Two households can meet outdoors within the travel limit. Public transport will operate at 25% capacity.


— Comments —

MarkyMark writes:

This got me to thinking about what’s on tap for Canada in the near future. What’s on tap for Ireland is currently happening in Melbourne, Australia.

If the Guardian link takes you to an obscured page soliciting donations, the do the following: 1) copy the article URL; 2) go to the Guardian’s home page; 3) then paste the link in the address window and go to the article. You’ll now be able to read it in its entirety.

Anyway, this stuff is GLOBAL! What’s on tap for Ireland is on tap for Canada; what’s on tap for Ireland is already happening in Australia. I’m worried about these restrictions coming here.


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