The Great Reset Needs Trump
October 27, 2020

I believe Donald Trump will be “re-elected.” The consolidation of global governance we are witnessing needs civil unrest to continue unrolling.
Trump voters are not going to supply that chaos if Biden is elected.
It’s hard to imagine any other outcome.
— Comments —
Katherine writes:
I think you are right. Trump will be “selected” again. It’s the same plan as in 2016: the ((Controllers)) put up a totally wretched Democrat ticket that funnels voters to Trump. In 2016, Hillary maybe didn’t realize that she was being used? Do Joe and Kamala realize that they are being used? Or are they all in on the scam?
Lots of Trump supporters/conservatives/patriots who comment on Internet sites say that Trump needs to win so that “we have a little more time.” But time to do what? I don’t see Trump supporters, et al out there now organizing against masks and lockdowns. If Trump wins, all those conservative types will just remain in their current passive mode and expect Trump to wave some magic wand and make everything better.
Trump’s SCOTUS nomination was brilliant: it further pacified conservatives and reassured them they can trust Trump. I have been astounded at how many conservatives think ACB is wonderful because she has those seven children. But she obviously does not take care of them; apparently an aunt has been tasked with that job (according to one of the articles in your post about ACB). Conservatives may be “pro-life”, but they are not “pro-family” or “pro-motherhood”.
As always, thanks for your excellent posts!
Laura writes:
Thank you.
Trump rallies are a bunch of unemployed white people cheering on their abuser.
John E. writes:
You may be right – it sounds plausible. But as E. Michael Jones (who is no quietist) has been wont to say in recent years, “God is in control of human history.”
Laura writes:
Here is another important aspect, I believe, of this election:
Biden must seem to be ahead so that Trump can “steal the election.” That’ll stir things up.
MarkyMark writes:
I think that Donald Trump will be “selected” as one of your commenters said. Wasn’t it FDR who said that Presidents are selected, not elected? I think so.
I think that his selection would promote controversy, riots, etc. That would prompt people to the right of Chairman Mao to beg for law and order, and the Feds would be more than happy to oblige. That would be in line with what John Whitehead said.
I think that the rioting is being allowed to continue. Donald Trump, as POTUS, has at least three legal justifications for putting a stop to the rioting right now, and he hasn’t done it.
One, many of these jokers have committed their crimes in multiple states; that makes their crimes interstate, so the Feds could get involved. Two, according to Federal law and probably ATF regulations, Molotov cocktails are considered destructive devices; since they (the cocktails) have been used at many of the riots, the BATF would have justification to get involved. Finally, the assets of these groups could be frozen, as could the assets of George Soros and his NGOs, such as the Open Society. Shoot, the NY Times had a story about Soros giving $220 MILLION to his pet causes; it’s a matter of public record! Well, if you starve the beast, it’ll die. We all know who’s paying for Antifa and BLM to riot; why not freeze their assets, so they’re financially starved?
So, that got me to thinking. WHY hasn’t Donald Trump used these avenues open to him? Why not put a stop to the rioting? To ask the questions is to answer them.
Laura writes:
Good points.
Trump’s also needed to sell the vaccine.