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5G and Coronavirus « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

5G and Coronavirus

November 22, 2020

FROM the important new book The Contagion Myth: Why Viruses (Including “Coronavirus”) Are Not the Cause of Disease by Thomas Cowan, M.D. and Sally Fallon Morrell:

On September 26, 2019, 5G wireless was turned on in Wuhan, China (and officially launched November 1) with a grid of about ten thousand 5G base stations — more than exist in the entire United States — all concentrated in one city. A spike in cases occurred on February 13 — the same week that Wuhan turned on its 5G network for monitoring traffic.

Illness has followed 5G installation in all the major cities in America, starting with New York in Fall 2019 in Manhattan, along with parts of Brooklyn, the Bronx and Queens — all subsequent coronavirus hot spots. Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Dallas, Cleveland, and Atlanta soon followed, with some five thousand towns and cities now covered. Citizens of the small country of San Marino (the first country in the world to install 5G, in September 2018) have had the longest exposure to 5G and the highest infection rate — four times higher than Italy (which deployed 5G in June 2019), and twenty-seven times higher than Croatia, which has not deployed 5G. In rural areas, the illness blamed on the coronavirus is slight to nonexistent.

In Europe, illness is highly correlated with 5G rollout. For example, Milan and other areas in Northern Italy have the densest 5G coverage, and northern Italy has twenty-two times as many coronavirus cases as Rome.

In Switzerland, telecommunications companies have built more than two thousand antennas, but the Swiss have halted at least some of the 5G rollout due to health concerns. Switzerland has had far fewer cases than nearby France, Spain, and Germany, where 5G is going full steam ahead.

…. Japan began testing 5G in tunnels in Hakkaido in early February 2020, and this city now has the most cases of coronavirus in Japan, even more than Tokyo.

In South America, the 5G rollout has occurred in Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, and Mexico, all of which have many coronavirus cases.

….. An article published in May 2020 in Toxicology Letters found that in real world conditions, exposure to wide-spectrum nonionizing frequencies adversely affected skin, eyes, heart, liver, kidney, spleen, blood, and bone marrow. Electromagnetic frequencies also disturb the immune function through stimulation of various allergic and inflammatory responses, and they adversely affect tissue repair.

[pp. 14-15,17]


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