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Birdwatching and the Covid Cult « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Birdwatching and the Covid Cult

November 16, 2020



I was birdwatching at a wildlife preserve last Sunday and I was not wearing a mask.  It was a beautiful, sunny day. I had stopped on the path, to try and identify a little bird way up high in the trees.  I had moved over to the edge of the path, which is a good six feet wide, so as not to be in anyone’s way.  A couple was walking toward me; the young woman had slipped her mask up around her elbow, but as they got closer, the young man moved his mask up over his face, then moved it back down as soon as they had passed me.  This is utter insanity!

I have spent a lot of time birding at this particular place, and in the past, people would always greet each other on the paths.  Often people would stop to compare notes on birds they had seen. Not any more. Now everyone scoots over to the far side of the path, to “social distance” from others.

My sisters have let me know that they do not want me to visit.  Now that cold weather has arrived, and people can no longer sit outside six feet apart in the driveway, they are cloistering themselves in their respective houses and allowing no visitors. I am almost 74 years old, and I often wonder, will I ever see them again?  Why do people want to spend their remaining years holed up, fearful, watching Anderson Cooper?

Coronaphobia is causing incredible alienation.  People seem to be growing more and more dehumanized by the day.

You are a great comfort and inspiration, and I send all my best wishes ( and a check as soon as I have your current mailing address 😊)!

Laura writes:

The germ theory has gotten way out of hand. This must be the end of the world because it would just be too embarrassing for future generations to be our descendants.

Can you imagine if birds lived this way? Flocks would not be flocks. Birds of a feather wouldn’t go near each other. They would have become extinct a long time ago and you would have nothing to watch!

Thanks for your support!

Here’s some common sense from Tom Woods:


— Comments —

Zeno writes:

I have noticed the same thing as your reader, people avoiding each other even outdoors. Such dehumanization is probably on purpose, they want to transform all of us into neurotic germaphobes, locked indoors and fearful of all human contact. Not even during the black plague this happened, but now they want to do it for a “disease” that has a 1% fatality rate (according to the CDC)… And the sad thing is that it is working: I don’t see people getting back to normal relations any time soon, especially with “lockdowns” planned to last for several more months to “train us” even further.

Meanwhile here’s a recent article from the BBC that sounds more like an infomercial to sell the vaccine. But the supposed “95% protection” that they publicize is based on only 94 patients that developed early Covid symptoms (out of a total of 30,000 that took part in the study). So it could really be much less efficient.

They also don’t really explain well that mRNA vaccines have never been tried before on humans on such a large scale, and that contrary to “normal” vaccines, they don’t introduce an attenuated virus into the body, but essentially work by tricking your own cells into producing the virus proteins, which could have all sorts of bad consequences…

Thank you for your blog.

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