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Cases, Cases, Cases « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Cases, Cases, Cases

November 11, 2020

THE mainstream news never mentions when reporting on daily Covid cases that many or most of the reported “cases” have no symptoms and that the test is extremely unreliable.

“[T]he vast majority of ‘cases’ reported are not actually ‘cases’.

“Classically speaking, a ‘case’ of a disease is someone who displays symptoms. There is a huge difference between being infected, and being a ‘case’. That’s why infection fatality rate (IFR) and case fatality rate (CFR) are two different numbers.

“However for COVID19 they have abandoned this distinction, referring to every single positive test as a ‘case’, despite the fact the vast majority never exhibit any symptoms.” (Source)

See this post from August. This is a scam of monumental proportions.

— Comments —

Zeno writes:

“This is a scam of monumental proportions.”

It is extremely dishonest to talk about “cases” when they really just mean positive results to a (dubious) test, not symptoms of a disease.

The whole “new lockdown” for a “second wave” is based simply on the increase in the number of positive results to the test, but this could have many explanations, including an expected increase in testing. Besides that, we also start hearing the usual scary stories about “overcrowded ICUs” or the “health system collapsing”. How could that be happening when a lot of people these days are not going to the hospital for fear of Covid? I know of an elderly lady who is almost blind now, because she was not able to go to the hospital for months and had to interrupt her much needed eye treatment.

Now they are saying in many European countries that the promised “one month lockdown” might likely be extended for the whole winter… The same may apply in America, despite the news of a dubious vaccine that “needs to be stored at – 94 degrees Fahrenheit (-70 Celsius)” and requires “two doses injected three weeks apart”. So far the main beneficiary of the announcement appears to be Pfizer’s CEO.

It appears that lockdowns will continue “until morale improves”.

They cancelled Easter in the “first wave”, now they will probably cancel Christmas too in the “second wave”.

And yet, despite a few protests here and there, still too many people don’t see anything wrong with what’s happening…

Laura writes:

Why would we need a vaccine for a supposed disease with an over 99 percent survival rate?

I believe they will keep things open for Christmas. It’s very profitable.



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