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Eminent Canadian Doctor Slams COVID as Hoax « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Eminent Canadian Doctor Slams COVID as Hoax

November 18, 2020


DR. Roger Hodkinson, former Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Committee in Ottawa, called into a public meeting in Edmonton, Alberta and gave his views on the COVID measures.

How long do you think it will take for this powerful statement to be banned by Youtube, which has censored hundreds of educational videos about COVID? How long do you think it will take? I say, one day, tops.

— Comments —

Susan Anne White writes from Northern Ireland:

Whilst I appreciate hearing this doctor speak out against Covid hysteria, I find myself wondering why he is involved in Covid testing, and, as he must be making money from testing it seems odd that he is calling for testing to stop. He failed to mention that the test for Covid is unreliable and produces many false positives.

What exactly does he describe as a hoax? Covid or the hysteria around it? If he believes Covid is a hoax why is he involved in Covid testing?

Why has it taken him so long to speak out?

Laura writes:

I can’t speak for him, but he clearly thinks it is a hoax as a major pandemic.

He said the test should only be used when someone is seriously sick in the hospital.  His calling for an end to testing when he himself profits from testing boosts his credibility.

I don’t know whether he has spoken out before. How would he attract attention? Do you think if he went to the local media and said what he has said, they would make a story out of it?




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