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Fakery and Numbers « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Fakery and Numbers

November 2, 2020

ALAN writes:

I can remember when, in the 1970s, “doctors” claimed many American schoolchildren were “victims” of “hyperactivity disorder” or “minimal brain dis-function.” The truth is that there were no such “diseases” then and there are none now with equally impressive-sounding names like “attention deficit disorder” or “bipolar disorder.”

All such fake diseases were invented out of the blue by racketeers in medicine, pharmacology, the “helping professions”, and of course government.  Every such fake disease is a pretext for gaining power or influence over other people’s lives and access to other people’s money.

Nor is there any such thing as “mental health” or “mental illness”; both are fake conditions created by the same racketeers for the same purpose.  (Yes, I am saying that the “National Institute of Mental Health”—to cite just one entrenched bureaucracy among many others—is predicated on a foundation of sand in the form of non-existent “diseases”.)

The question is:  Should we apply the same considerations and skepticism to claims made about the alleged “coronavirus”?

Five years ago, the editor-in-chief of The Lancet, the world’s best known medical journal, said that half of all the medical/scientific literature is false.  [Editor In Chief Of World’s Best Known Medical Journal: Half Of All The Literature Is False – Global Research]  I would imagine that to be a conservative estimate.

Lots of big numbers about the alleged coronavirus have been thrown around in the mass communications industry and by “experts” and “authorities” and then repeated endlessly by Americans who are known to be extremely gullible vis-à-vis “experts” and “authorities”. Who has verified that those numbers (of deaths, for instance) represent anything that is true and were not made up out of the blue for some nefarious purpose?  Who likes to throw big numbers around and repeat them endlessly?  Think real hard:  How many times have we heard the claim that “six million Jews” were killed in “extermination camps” in the 1940s?  Is the coronavirus “pandemic” another example of the Big Lie?




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