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Meet Me at Basilico’s « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Meet Me at Basilico’s

November 2, 2020

BASILICO’S, an Italian restaurant in Huntington Beach, California, prohibits masks and never closed for the pandemic. It also has a billboard that says, “Leave the Mask, Take the Cannoli.”

Del Bigtree interviews owner Tony Roman, whose life has been threatened and who has received thousands of nasty Yelp reviews from the angry, germaphobic mob that is the true plague on our society. “I’m not afraid to put everything at risk for what I’m standing for here,” he said.

Love this guy! This is a great interview.

— Comments —

NJ Catholic writes:

Thank you for this video, which I forwarded to my chiropractor. He is the only establishment in NJ that I know of that has no policy about masks. He believes they are nonsensical, but allows people to wear them if they wish.

One advantage that this restaurant and my chiropractor have is that they own their own buildings, and so are not under the thumb of a landlord or management company.

This is a perspective which we need to hear about more, that of the business owner who wants to resist the mandates.

Laura writes:

You’re welcome.

The Healthy American and Make Americans Free Again are good resources for businesses.

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