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She Hates Turkey — and You « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

She Hates Turkey — and You

November 17, 2020

“That kind of resourcefulness is not the norm for Thanksgiving in America. In fact, the holiday is one of the most wasteful times of the year, with 200 million pounds of turkey alone tossed out annually, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council.

“Most dinners this year will be smaller, as the coronavirus pandemic ravages the country. Yet the day’s environmental impact may still be significant — perhaps even more so, since many Americans will be serving Thanksgiving-size feasts to only a few guests.”

DeVonne Jackson, an urban farmer and the founder of Positive Obsession, an organization bringing environmental awareness to fashion, urges people to be more conscious about food waste this Thanksgiving, starting with a re-examination of the holiday.

— Comments —

“A Watcher” writes:

Doesn’t DeVonne Jackson look happy? Then she gardened in the city and became an expert… I followed the link on the page, “where we also learn how the celebration has become commercialized, and [how we are] unmindful of the nation’s violent treatment of Native Americans.”

Now all the BIPOC people are making sure we know how angry they are at us, and how we should be grateful like they are.

By their fruits you shall know them…

I prefer Christ’s example.

P.S. Why don’t they raise turkeys and make a profit off those wasteful , um, people?

Laura writes:

She not only looks unhappy, she looks like she wants to murder someone.

I can’t quite envision her in a state of gratitude on Thanksgiving Day — or any day.

This deconstruction of Thanksgiving is brazen cultural revolution — as much as the toppling and defacing of monuments of St. Louis and Robert E. Lee.






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