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Snagged at the Store « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Snagged at the Store

November 18, 2020

HELENA writes:

Yesterday, I was at a super-expensive “luxury” store, one of those places with that morbid, death-glorifying “fashion” that is everywhere. I was walking through from the mall to get outside. I prefer to walk this way rather than through the main entrance, to avoid the crowd, and there are a few nice things to see in the store, like the small handbags and other accessories.

I asked an attendant about a winter parka, several thousand dollars for this down-filled luxury, when her manager swooped over and said: “We have to ask you to wear a mask. If you don’t have one, we can give you one.”

“Firstly, I am ‘socially distancing,'” I said. “And, I am not sick. Also I cannot wear a mask because of my medical exemption.” Yes, an apparent contradiction – I am not sick with COVID. But I have a serious medical problem with wearing a mask. I didn’t explain myself.

She was pleasant, calm, and “nice.” I was taken aback.

“I was just leaving, anyway,” I said.

Then I got it. This was tyranny with a smile and a soft voice, like those all-encompassing voices now everywhere on loud speakers. “Remember to socially distance. Wear your mask. Wash your hands regularly.” Creepy. Like someone whispering in your ear.

I stopped, turned around and said. “You know, what you’re doing is illegal AND wrong.”

“I understand. We can provide you with curbside service, and we have a full online collection.”

“What do you mean ‘I understand?’ What is it that you understand?”

“I understand what you’re feeling.”

“What am I feeling?”


I repeated: “You know, what you’re doing is illegal and wrong. It is a matter of time before people start suing you, including your employees, for the money, time and energy you’ve wasted.”

I didn’t realize then but I was making both a moral and a legal accusation. They are MORALLY wrong, and God help them. ‘Illegal’ is just small potatoes.

I left. I’m sure their store spies saw me without the mask and got this woman manager to swooooop by. The same swooooooop occurred in another store a few days ago. Again, ALL a bunch of petty tyrants, soft spoken and understanding, until, that is, I refuse to play along.



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