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The Golfing Idol « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Golfing Idol

November 15, 2020


Trump waves to cheering fans as he drives though huge crowds of supporters at the ‘Million MAGA March’ in D.C. on his the way to the golf course as clashes break out between rival protesters. Did you read this carefully? He’s going golfing again. He is supposed to run the country not play. What a joke the country is since we betrayed God and his commandments! God’s grace has been withdrawn! Replaced with Lucifer’s Chaos!

Why wouldn’t he play golf? He knows he doesn’t pull the strings. He knows there’s a plan. He may even win this thing, and precipitate civil war. He’s an actor, a pro-wrestler, a puppet, a pathological liar, another Masonic pedophile addicted to fame and lies.

Did he accomplish a few good things? Yes, but they pale in comparison to broken promises.

He never locked Hillary up for crimes against the state and that’s why we have Biden.

He disbanded the Voter Fraud Commission in 2018, handing us a disaster in 2020.

He never drained the swamp.

He never deported illegals as promised.

He celebrated increased immigration.

He didn’t eliminate the Federal Reserve.

He led the wrecking of the economy, the shredding of Constitutional rights and the perpetration of one of the biggest medical frauds in history.

He sold future generations with trillions in new debt.

He let the cities burn.

He loves the villainous vax.

His fighting spirit inspired beaten-down Americans, but they were had. He made Israel great again, not America.

Why wouldn’t he play golf? He doesn’t care.

Go home, real protestors. Go home, paid agitators. Neither of these would-be presidents cares a fig about you. Your children will be sterilized or sickened by the vax either way. Your small businesses will die either way. Your schools will be indoctrination centers either way. Your monuments will be toppled and your books burned either way. You will be infantilized and tortured by bureaucracy either way. You will be poor either way. You will have poisoned skies either way. You will be demonized for loving your heritage either way. The truth will be censored either way.


— Comments —

Katherine writes:

Excellent post re The Golfing Idol.  What a jerk!  All those supporters who traveled to DC, and the best the Don could do was wave to them in a “drive-by” on the way to the golf course! C’mon man, indeed!!!

Andrew Joyce at The Unz Review has an excellent analysis of Trump/Biden.

Laura writes:

Thank you.

A reader writes:

He drove thru the march, on his way to play golf  … while his kult followers get beat up.

This is what he thinks of his supporters, and the ‘respect’ he has for them. 🤣

What a d*i*$*g*u*s*t*i*n*g G*R*I*F*T*E*R.

Nov. 19, 2020

Lydia Sherman writes:

Regarding the criticism against Trump, I must say that this is not actually all about Trump. It is about the American people and their desire for restoring the Republic and having freedom of religion and of speech and of many other things.

I don’t know where your reader is getting the information they posed, but he/she isn’t digging too deeply. The internet has removed any references to what is really going on but it can be found and millions of people in the US and in American know what is really going on. I suspect it is a list from somewhere or other that they found somewhere.  It is also a very sour, dour look at our situation here in the US. The American people respond to hope and to solutions. I’ve seen lists like this but no workable, sound solutions are given.  Even some of the conservative politicians we all admire, are sour dour old men with no enthusiasm for we the American people.

Because of time limits, I will only deal with a few of this person’s points, although I could easily refute them all.

“He never locked Hillary up for crimes against the state and that’s why we have Biden.”

Some people have the shoot-em-up mentality of the OK corral, but no president who wants to be reelected does anything so rash as to lock up a still-loved candidate. You can’t just suddenly round up a bunch of criminal politicians and arrest them. The people have to be shown the corruption, not just the conservative people.  You can’t alienate half the population by just going in an arresting all these traitors. Plus, it has to be done legally. The case can be totally futile if the procedures are not followed.  Ask your reader/commentator how long a divorce took, and if, even after the divorce, issues still lingered. It is not any simpler to get rid of the deep state that has been imbedded so long, possibly since FDR and further back in history.  The 2nd term, when a President has no future election to consider, is when a lot more will be accomplished. After getting people to “see” and understand what the left is doing, by exposing them, and watching their antics, there will be more opportunity to get rid of them.  Trump is letting them destroy themselves first.

Hillary has been put on notice, however and is to appear in court. I don’t think that is generally known.

“And that is why we have Biden”

We don’t “have Biden”.

“He disbanded the Voter Fraud Commission in 2018, handing us a disaster in 2020.”

IF this is true, the only reason to abandon any commission would be to get rid of the globalists within it or the bias with which it was operated or create a new one.

“He never drained the swamp.”

No president could do that in four years, especially if the swamp spent all that time impeaching him.  However, the plans have been put into motion and the swamp is being drained. Watch for resignations of CEO’s, military, low level politicians, and many others.  There is a reason for this. People are less likely to panic if the lower levels are got rid of first. That’s the support structure of the ones higher up.

“He never deported illegals as promised.”

Also not true. Where do you get this information?  There are statistics that show how many are deported daily but it is not on mainstream and you have to dig deeper than what you see online.

“He celebrated  increased immigration.”

Only those qualified, non-criminal and legal can immigrate.  You would have to do a deal of research to prove this allegation.

“He didn’t eliminate the Federal Reserve.”

This is also not true. The Federal Reserve and the Central Bank are being eliminated. Our money will be based on gold, agriculture and manufacture productivity.  This is the US’s own “Reset”, not the global reset.

“He led the wrecking of the economy, the shredding of Constitutional rights and the perpetration of one of the biggest medical frauds in history.”

This is also not true.  The economy is better in spite of all the set backs including fake covid, which most of us know Trump knows is a scam. He has in fact gradually restored each section of the Constitution that has been eroded and replaced and run over by the globalists since FDR.  He will also in the process eliminate the income tax.

In saying this, let me emphasize that this is not actually about Trump. It is about the American people who have wanted a lot of these things for many generations, only to see the country deteriorate more and more.  The reader would be wise to educate himself by listening to the information on these videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/RudyWGiuliani/videos

“He sold future generations with trillions in new debt.”

This is also not true.  He simply drained the federal reserve, a false money making machine,  and will not pay the usuary.

“He let the cities burn.”

He is not a dictator and cannot force cities to do things . To be constitutional, it has to go through states rights, the governor and the mayors. They can ask for help but he cannot insist on it.  When cities burn it allows people to see who the Marxists among us are, who encourage it.  The governors are like the president of each state. Procedure must be followed.  The governors make the decisions for the states and that’s how they are being exposed as communists.

“He loves the villainous vax.”

The media NEVER reports Trump saying that the vax is a personal choice that will not be required or forced on people, and that he recommends the therapy instead.

“His fighting spirit inspired beaten-down Americans, but they were had. He made Israel great again, not America.”

Since he is refusing to go to war, which the Central Bank badly needs in order to “reset the economy” with their loans, I doubt anyone can legitimately claim he’s hurting Americans by his “fighting spirit”.  There is no point in being calm when the globalists are taking over your country and your people. The one who made this claim needs to check into what is really going on with the so called fighting spirit. I’d rather have it than anything Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton or George Bush could passively deal out.

Israel is not as powerful as you think. Its a small place and even their deep state is being revealed by the politicians in that country  who congratulated Biden. Trump knows about Israel and his apparent approval is nothing more than strategy. He cannot alienate the whole world while he makes a small point. His entire plan is our plan too.

Your reader needs to learn a little about the ancient art of war: “Never interrupt your enemy when he is destroying himself.” This is one reason to allow the governors to dictate to their states. It allows the people to see who and what they really are and be determined to throw them off. If a president who knows all about this is just going to dictate the changes, he will never have the people on board.  He will go in, fire the governors, replace them with good guys, etc. and the next president can do the opposite, without people ever really coming to a knowledge or understanding of what we are up against.

If this person, who wrote these accusations, really wants to know more, perhaps a site like https://x22report.com/  would be helpful, especially the videos labeled “Geopolitical.

We are fighting off globalists and communists in every state. They are revealing themselves and the swamp has been drawn out. The media, entertainment, politicians, and even corporations have all been revealed, who are in on the oppression of the American people and the selling out of the US to foreign countries.  We can all see who they are. If Trump had “arrested Hillary Clinton” and a lot of other people, WE the people would not have seen these people reveal themselves by what they do, such as allowing cities to burn, not managing the forests (what did they do with the money allotted for that?), letting cities crumble, allowing crime to thrive, pushing race war, etc.

When anything is said about Trump is said in a tone of despising and hatred, calling him names, I know there has been no solid research done on the matter.

Laura writes:

 I think you are conflating those who genuinely despise Trump because they despise the moral law and our traditions and those, like me, who are harshly criticizing him because they sincerely believe he has NOT truly defended our country or traditions and is a threat to them. I take a little bit of offense at your implication that one is not a genuine patriot if one does not idolize or even support Trump. I am an American person too and I do not believe I have mindlessly and without any research attacked Trump.

Now all of this list came from me, not from a reader.

As far as locking Hillary up, I don’t doubt that would be a very difficult thing to do, but he made a huge deal out of doing just that when he was running for president. In your digging deeply, can you tell me what he did about this once he was elected? He pardoned Shlomo Rubashkin, in jail for human trafficking, immigration violations and other things, doesn’t he have any legal pull?

In Trump’s State of the Union address in 2019, he said he wanted to see legal immigrants in the “largest numbers ever.” He said the same thing a month later. He has done things to restrict immigration (and they are mentioned in that article). NumbersUSA, the immigration reform organization, gives Trump a ‘B’ for his positions on immigration; Biden gets an F minus.

Comments from NumbersUSA [emphases added]:

When Pres. Trump ran for President in 2016, he campaigned on reducing overall immigration, however his position has changed since taking office. While he has recently called for expanding legal immigration, he supported Senate legislation that would have maintained current immigration levels, and the White House is working on legislation that would also maintain current levels. …

2019 State of the Union: “Legal immigrants enrich our nation and strengthen our society in countless ways. I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever, but they have to come in legally.” SOURCE: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-state-union-address-2/

The Hill, April 24, 2019: “Presidential advisor Jared Kushner’s sweeping immigration plan, which received President Trump’s approval Tuesday, will not effect the overall level of legal immigration, a senior administration official told reporters.” SOURCE: https://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/442599-kushner-plan-keeps-legal-immigration-levels-neutral

Here’s more:

The Trump administration has conducted some worksite enforcement, but not at the level that they potentially could, and it has not made it a top enforcement priority

Washington Post, Aug. 15, 2019: The Trump administration conducted statewide raids in Mississippi of chicken processing plants that had hired illegal aliens. The raids have yet to result in charges against the employers, but the administration continues to work on building its case. SOURCE: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/08/15/investigators-believe-five-poultry-companies-violated-immigration-law-search-warrants-say/

Regarding amnesty under DACA:

While Pres. Trump has attempted to end the illegal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals amnesty, he has pushed for legislation that would provide full amnesty to DACA recipients and any illegal aliens who is eligible for DACA, but did not apply for the amnesty.

2018 State of the Union:”The first pillar of our framework generously offers a path to citizenship for 1.8 million illegal immigrants who were brought here by their parents at a young age — that covers almost three times more people than the previous administration.” SOURCE: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/president-donald-j-trumps-state-union-address/

In 2018, Pres. Trump endorsed legislation in both the House and Senate that would have granted amnesty to approximately 1.8 million DACA-eligible illegal aliens.


Pres. Trump has taken steps to protect low-wage American workers, however, his administration has expanded the H-2B guest worker program at the expense of those very workers.


H-2B expansion, May 2019: The Trump administration approved an additional 30,000 H-2B visas beyond the 66,000 cap. SOURCE: https://www.uscis.gov/working-united-states/temporary-workers/temporary-increase-h-2b-nonimmigrant-visas-fy-2019
H-2B expansion, May 2018: The Trump administration approved an additional 15,000 H-2B visas beyond the 66,000 cap. SOURCE: https://www.wsj.com/articles/a-miserly-15-000-more-visas-1527539890

He has enabled more foreign workers to take high-skilled positions:

FoxNews.com, January 10, 2020: In an interview with FoxNews’ Laura Ingraham, Pres Trump said, “We need people — I got Foxconn to go into Wisconsin. They have to get people, they spent a fortune. They built the most incredible plant I’ve ever seen. In Wisconsin, Foxconn….  but we don’t have enough [American workers]. We’re not — we don’t have enough of them and we have to be competitive with the rest of the world too.  The companies want to hire these people and they can’t….   I’m talking about brainpower. They want to hire smart people and those people are thrown out of the country. We can’t do that.” SOURCE: https://video.foxnews.com/v/6121621277001#sp=show-clips

Buy American, Hire American EO, Apr. 18, 2017: Pres. Trump signed the “Buy American, Hire American” executive order that included: “In order to promote the proper functioning of the H-1B visa program, the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Labor, and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall, as soon as practicable, suggest reforms to help ensure that H-1B visas are awarded to the most-skilled or highest-paid petition beneficiaries.” SOURCE: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2017/04/18/presidential-executive-order-buy-american-and-hire-american

H-1B federal rule, Apr. 2019: The Trump administration finalized a rule that changed the distribution process for H-1Bs, which should result in the issuance of visas to more higher paid workers. SOURCE: https://www.uscis.gov/news/news-releases/dhs-announces-final-rule-a-more-effective-and-efficient-h-1b-visa-program

He did advocate the end of chain immigration.

He disbanded the Voter Fraud Commission in 2018. To be fair, it faced non-cooperation from both Democrats and Republicans. Nevertheless, the head of the commission was disappointed and believed they were making progress.

Regarding his “letting cities burn,” Trump declared a national emergency in connection with the coronavirus and renewed it right before the election. This declaration was essential to keeping in place the system of financial rewards for states to enforce restrictions. States were induced by federal monies to shut down their economies and require things like masks.

Are you saying he couldn’t have done something similar to prevent widespread looting in some cities and to protect historic monuments?

Regarding the vaccines, here are two tweets from Trump this week alone:


I will get to your points about federal spending and a few other things shortly.





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