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The Situation in Australia « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Situation in Australia

November 16, 2020

A LABOUR government has just been returned to power in Queensland. I think they ran on a ‘Trust us to keep you safe from CoVID’ platform. I don’t have a television or buy newspapers – but from the how-to-vote card it looked to me like this was the pitch. It was just so funny you had to see all the sheeple standing masked and socially distanced in line to vote for organized crime. And no sooner was the government back in the kitchen, they put mutton straight onto the menu with euthanasia legislation.

“They have to start somewhere with the depopulation Agenda and there are just too many oldies clogging up the pension system. We are the obvious go-to for the needed CoVID numbers. They can’t just keep pulling these cases out of their wazoo. As they have tanked the economy, predictably, they will start with us.

“Fitting all this into the Big Doctor/Big Abortion business model of CoVID Biosecurity will take some doing.

“These totally subverted Marxist governments are not Western governments. They are not even post-Christian Western states. They are Communist operations and have been for years.”

— From “Savvy Australian Granny Paints Grim Picture


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